March 2020




Planning and Development Committee Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Wednesday 18th March 2020 at 6.30pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Market Rasen

Present:  Councillors, M. Lakin-Whitworth, J. Matthews, C. Turner, N. Brooksbank, 


In attendance:   

Councillors: J. Pilley & S. Bunney

Dianne Tuckett – Press (The Rasen Mail)


The Meeting opened at 18:30


1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bridger and Smith It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence.  Apologies for absence were also noted from the Town Clerk.

In the absence of the Town Clerk it was RESOLVED that Councillor Matthews take the notes of the meeting.

2. Public Participation


3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


4. Approve Minutes of Meeting held on 4th  March 2020  

 It was RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as an accurate record. 

5. Update on Action Points 


6. Planning Applications for Consideration 


     The below applications were considered

Application No: 140741 

Full Planning Application (Minor - all others)

Planning application for proposed alterations to rear ground floor at Oxford Street Fisheries 7+9 Oxford Street Market Rasen Lincolnshire LN8 3AL

RESPONSE: No objections/ comments

Application No: 140701

Full Planning Application (Major – Dwellings)

Planning application for the erection of 32no. dwellings

Land to the West of Linwood Road Market Rasen  LN8 3QE


RESPONSE: No major objections, but requires improved footpath provision to the development to improve accessibility by foot to the town. In Principle Market Rasen Town Council encourage this development but request that the hedgerows along the site boundaries are retained.  Market Rasen Town council questions the number of designated car parking spaces (32) in relation to the number of potential residents. (No of bedrooms = 54).

7.    To consider any late Planning Applications 



8.    Any other business 





The meeting closed at 18:51.