Properties Committee Minutes Feb 2021









Minutes of the Properties Committee meeting held on Wednesday 10th February 2021 at 14:00 via Zoom.




Councillor J. Pilley (Chairman), Councillor S. Bunney, Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth, 

Councillor C. Turner.




In attendance:    

Lucy Waller: Town Clerk and RFO

Faye Lambkin – Smith: Community Manager (CM)

The Meeting opened at 14:03.


1. Chairman’s opening remarks. 

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.


2. To approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.

It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from councillors Matthews and Smith.


3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.



4. To note the details of the Community Manager’s summary of the ROSPA report, as previously circulated to Full Council, and to resolve a reporting and recording system to track the actions therein.

Members noted the report and requested that the Community Manager provide costings and timescales to the next meeting following, which a monitoring and reporting system would be put in place to ensure the required work was undertaken. 


Action Point CM to provide full costings and timescales.


It was RESOLVED that the Bridger – Log Crossing be removed from Bell Park within the next week under Health and Safety. 


Action Point CM to arrange removal.



5. To consider options in relation to the Festival Hall Roof.


Considering the previous resolution of Full Council and the available funds for the project, it was RESOLVED that the Council continue as previously resolved to pursue a chemical encapsulation of the existing roof. 


Action Point CM to seek at least 2 additional quotes for Chemical encapsulation for consideration.


It was additionally RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council the introduction of an Ear Marked Reserve for contingency planning against building repairs. 


6. Update on the Old Police Station window repairs and consideration of any information available. 

Members noted the report and the quotation received to date; it was noted that all quotes would be considered following the closing date for submission. 


7. COVID-19 safety awareness.

Members noted the current Covid-19 risk assessment, and it was stressed that this was a reminder to users of council properties of the measures required to ensure safe use during the Covid-19 Pandemic and National Lockdown. 



The meeting closed at 14:48