Properties Committee Minutes March 2021









Minutes of the Properties Committee meeting held on Thursday 25th March 2021 at 11:00 via Zoom.




Councillor J. Pilley (Chairman), Councillor S. Bunney, Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth, 

Councillor C. Turner.




In attendance:    

Lucy Waller: Town Clerk and RFO

Faye Lambkin – Smith: Community Manager (CM)

The Meeting opened at 11:05


1. Chairman’s opening remarks. 

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.


2. To approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.

It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from councillor Smith.


3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.



4. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last committee meeting held on the 10th of February 2021 as a correct record. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last committee meeting held on the 10th of February 2021 as a correct record.


5. To note an update on the ROSPA report and resolve any necessary actions. 

Members noted the report, the Community Manager was asked to research if replacement bin lids were available for highlighted litter bins.  It was queried if available volunteers had been identified for painting works and members noted that they had not, and it may be necessary for caretaking staff or paid contractors to undertake the work if volunteers were not available.

 It was RESOLVED that as all the works for which pricing had been received be carried out under the Clerk’s authority for Health and Safety expenditure of up to £500 per individual item.

Action point – CM to arrange for works to commence.



6. To note an update of the Festival Hall Roof Tender. 

Members noted that the tender had gone out and that the Clerk would be opening them on the on the 19th April in the presence of councillors Pilley and Bunney and that a final decision would be made by Friday 4th June.  The community manager was asked to inform potential tenderers of these timescales.

Action point – CM to inform potential tenderers of timescales. 


7. To consider plans for the reopening of the Festival Hall in line with Government regulations including use of the committee room. 

Members noted the potential dates of reopening under current Government guidance and noted the hall would reopen subject to the restrictions in place at the time.


8. To consider the use of council notice boards and the status of information displayed.  

It was highlighted that there had been recent issues with out-of-date information and the general appearance of noticeboards.  Members noted recent training had taken place and as restrictions allowed increased Line Manager checks would be introduced. It was agreed that where possible a removal date would be included on documents for display at the bottom in green.  It was also highlighted that the Boots notice board would be used for official council documents, with agendas also displayed near the Festival Hall entrance, and other boards would be used for other community/ visitor information. 


9. To note a report on Council property key security and resolve any action. 

Members noted the report, the clerk was asked to investigate costings for an automatic locking system and a suite of unique yale locks for the main council properties, which would mean that one key would fit all locks.  It was RESOLVED that the below key controls be introduced:


Councillors:  Chair and Vice Chair hold office key and fob only for general use.



Officers hold office key and fob only and have access to the coded key cabinet.

           Caretakers hold office key and fob only and have access to the coded key cabinet.

Cleaner & steward to hold the minimum number of keys required to undertake work (Festival Hall & Committee Room & Cleaners Cupboard). No access to the coded key cabinet


Contractors: to hold the minimum number of keys required to carry out their function.

Council maintenance contractor: Office key and fob, and access to the coded key cabinet.


In addition, a fire box of essential keys for emergency purposes be placed inside the reception of the office.


Action point –Clerk to begin the implementation of new Key Controls and to investigate costings for an automatic locking system and a suite of unique yale locks for the main council properties.


10. To consider a report regarding advance fixing of gas pricing following the end of the current contract on the 31st of March 2022.  

Members noted the externally produced report and highlighted some inaccuracies.  It was resolved that quotes be sought at the end of the current contract in the council’s usual manner. 


11. To consider the quotes received for the Old Police Station window repairs and resolve any recommendation to Full Council. 


Members noted the report it was RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL that the quote of £7,750.00 plus VAT from company B be accepted, subject to further clarification on internal painting.  (Current reserves for this purpose are £6,069.00 so authorisation is required from council for the additional expenditure)

Action point –CM to clarify if internal decoration is included or any additional cost for internal decoration prior to the next Full council meeting. 



12. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


The above resolution was passed.


13. Council contractor expenditure. 

Members noted the report, and it was highlighted that once the recruitment freeze came to an end on April 1st the recruitment of a maintenance operative would reduce some costs. 


14. Festival Hall bar service level agreement. 

Members noted the report, and it was resolved to offer the service level agreement to the current holder for a period of three years, following its rewriting by the Community Manager to include further clarification on corkage and other matters. 

Action point –CM to rewrite SLA and circulate to members for approval prior to sending out. 


         The meeting closed at 12:50