January 23rd 2024 Minutes


Minutes of the Finance and Premises Committee of Market Rasen Town Council, held on Tuesday 23rd January 2024 at 7.00pm in the Council Office adjacent to the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.           


  Councillors Bunney,(Chairman) Bowns and Adekoya  

In attendance:   

Anna Lawson – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Councillor Pilley

The Meeting opened at 19.00

  1. Apologies
    RECEIVED from Cllrs Edwards
  2. To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements
    of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    None received
  3.  Minutes.
    The minutes were ACCEPTED as read.    
    PROPOSED Cllr Bowns, SECONDED Cllr Adekoya and accepted UNANIMOUSLY
  4.  Financial Matters
    1. Risk Register
      i.   Need to define the term ‘Impact’
      ii.  Need to add risk of Cyber Attack Impact
      iii. Media Policy breach
    2. Asset Register
      Change the limit to £350
    3. Electricity Supplier.  Council granted time to the Town Clerk to evaluate the current contract.
    4. Interim Internal Audit Report.  Taken as read.
    5. Q3 figures.  Taken as read.
    6. Q3 Internal Financial Control Checklist.  Taken as read.
    7. Accounting Software.  To speak to other councils who have already implemented Scribe.
  5.  Matters relating to premises
  6. Festival Hall Terms and Conditions.  Taken as read.
  7. PRS Charges. Taken as read.

Standing Orders suspended
PROPOSED Cllr Bunney, SECONDED Cllr Bowns and accepted UNANIMOUSLY

  1. Grasscutting Tender.  Agreed to approve the contract for one year only and subject to separate day rate agreed for additional work.
    PROPOSED Cllr Bunney, SECONDED Cllr Adekoya and accepted UNANIMOUSLY

Standing Orders resumed

  1. Installation of sensor lights for the Festival Hall.  Granted under delegated powers to the Town Clerk.
  2. Current and future use of the Market Place.  Agreed to present the proposal to the full council, outlining the various options.

The meeting closed 20.46pm