July 2022





Minutes of the Finance Committee of Market Rasen Town Council, held on Tuesday 26th July 2022 at 6.00pm in the Committee Room adjacent to the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen. 




 Councillor Hassan (Committee Chairman), Councillor Bunney, Councillor Lakin-Whitworth and Councillor Gray.



In attendance:    

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Councillor Pilley 


The Meeting opened at 18:00


1.  Chairman’s opening remarks

The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting. 

2.  To RESOLVE to approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.


3.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. To RESOLVE to approve any applications for dispensations received by the Clerk. 



4.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on May 31st 2022 as a correct record.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on May 31st, 2022, as a correct record. 


5.  To NOTE the budget recommendations and income and expenditure report to end of Quarter 1 - 2021/22 and RESOLVE any action.  

Members noted the report and following discussion it was RESOLVED to continue to monitor the budget over Quarter 2 2022/ 2023 before consideration of any budgetary changes.


6.  To NOTE a comparison of Festival Hall income / expenditure in Q1 18/19 - 22/23.


Members noted the report and highlighted a downward trend in income with a decrease in income in the region of one quarter over the last five years and that the surplus (Income -expenditure) in 2018-2019 Q1 was ten times higher than in 22/23 Q1. While it was noted that the current economic climate is challenging it was the recommendation of the committee that the Community Manager be set the fiscal target of achieving a minimum income of £26,000 in booking income from the Festival Hall in 2022/2023.

The Community Manager was asked to prepare a full business plan including:

  • promotion plans and costings. 
  • comparisons with local competing venues.
  • reviews of minimum hire period and deposit processes 
  • potential packaged offers.

The Community Manager was also asked to prepare recommendations to streamline staff admin related to the Festival Hall and to proposals to reduce staffing needs. 

The Clerk was asked to present Festival Hall figures to the committee on a quarterly basis for monitoring. 


7.  To NOTE the internal control checklist for Q4 2021/22 and NOMINATE a member to undertake the internal control checklist for Q1 2022/23.  

Members noted the report and Councillor Gray was nominated to undertake the internal control checklist for Q1 2022/23.  


8.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above resolution was passed.

On this occasion Councillor J. Pilley remained in the room in her capacity as Chairman of the Properties Committee, at the express invitation of the Chairman. Councillor Pilley provided relevant input regarding agenda item 9 but took no part in the voting. 

9.  To further investigate information relating to commercially sensitive correspondence and to RESOLVE a recommendation to Full Council.

Following discussion, it was resolved to recommend to Full Council that an additional payment of £968.75 without prejudice be offered to a contractor. 

10. To NOTE the debtors list.   

Members noted a low-level low risk debtor resulting from complications with the debtor procurement systems. 

The meeting closed at 19.12