July 2019 Minutes




MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)              Councillor J. Pilley
Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth             Councillor J. Clark 
Councillor S. Bunney
Councillor M. Harvey
Councillor T. Smith            Councillor C. Turner
        Councillor C. Sirett
         Councillor A. Lakeman 
In attendance:    Reporter from the Market Rasen Mail 
         Col. Jeremy Field MBE – Commandant Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force
         Divisional Commander Dave Gilbert - Lincolnshire Fire Brigade               plus – Lincolnshire Fire Brigade

1.    Mayor’s opening remarks  
The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.     

2.    Apologies for absence and reasons given 
Apologies were received and approved from District Councillor J. McNeill and C. McCartney.  The Town Clerk.
In the absence of the Town Clerk it was agreed that Cllr. Stephen Bunney would take the minutes.

3.    Public Participation. 
Col. Jeremy Field addressed the Meeting on the Army Cadet Force in Lincoln-shire.  He appealed for recruits and also for community projects that the local force could carry out.

Cllr. John Matthews, Mayor, presented a cheque for £4 500 to Divisional Com-mander Gilbert on behalf of Fire Fighters Charity.  This is their contribution form The Mayor’s Charity Fund 2018 – 2019.
The Mayor thanked Mrs Jayne Matthews and Cllr. Margaret Lakin- Whitworth, and others, for all their hard work in raising funds for the Mayor’s Charity.  

4.    Public Participation
•    A concern was raised about the recent inappropriateness of the recent 
Everyone Active Leaflet which highlighted swimming lessons.
•    A councillor reported that the war memorial work had been completed. 
•    Grass cutting in Mill Road Playing Field
•    Car Park signs in the town.

5.    Report From County Councillor
Cllr Lewis Strange addressed the Meeting.   He mentioned:
•    Highways meeting – see below
•    Flooding in the area – expressing a concern about the impact of flooding on the proposed Caistor Road development
•    LCC – has recently received a number of accolades for its work.– and through prudent financial management it is a solvent council 

6.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for dispensation in relation to Disclosible Pecuniary Interests. 
Councillor Matthews declared a pecuniary interest in account payment BP693, for expenses on behalf of the Council. 
7.    Notes of meeting of Council Meeting held on the 5th June 2019 

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 5th March 2019 as a true and accurate record of the meeting, subject to two minor amendments.   

8.    Update on Action Points 
9.    Chairman’s announcements 
  The Chairman announced that he has attended the following: 
•    The Lions’ Gardeners’ Market
•    Various Meetings regarding The Heritage High Street Action Zone
•    Meeting with LCC Highways Officers  and Portfolio Holder
•    Army Benevolent Charity Event
•    Lincolnshire County Show
•    Salvation Army 25t Anniversary Concert
•    Market Rasen Lions’ Charity Event 
•    Brief Meeting with the Police and Fire Brigade

The mayor asked if anyone would like to join him at Brigg Council’s Civic Service at 2.30pm on Sunday July 7th 2019.

10.    Town Clerk’s Report.
Not presented.

11.    Report of the District Councillor
Written report attached to minutes.

12.    Accounts for Payment         
The Accounts for Payment (PAPER B) were distributed  at the meeting to all members (copy attached to signed minutes).

It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts payment list presented for the sum of £5612.06. 

Cllr. Stephen Bunney reported that as agreed at The June Finance Meeting a sum of £750 has been paid to Rhizome Garden Services for The Hanging Baskets.  This was the original figure quoted and not the figure initially invoiced for.

13.    Correspondence.   
   Paper C was distributed at the Meeting. 
         A letter of appreciation and Thanks has been received from The Colbrook 
         School of dance. 

14.     Report from Committee Meetings.  
No reports from meetings. 

15.    Progress reports from Projects Groups (Project Leader will bring this for discussion if clarification is required by the Council)
a)     Festival Hall –. The CCTV security system has been installed in The Offices.
b)    Old Police Station – The Hub will begin moving in on Thursday July 4th.  They will open at the OPS on Monday July 8th 2019.

16.    Progress reports from meetings 
    Highways – see attached written report
    Emergency Services  - see attached written report

17.    Central Lincolnshire Plan Review
               see attached written report
               It was RESOLVED that Cllr Tom Smith will write a response on behalf of the  
               Council.  He will circulate a draft copy for comments.
18.    High Street Heritage Action Zone
-    See attached written paper
19.    Foot path 1147
   See attached written paper
               It was RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to send a letter of support to Middle Rasen   
               Parish Council

20.    Street Bench – Sally Fox
    It was agreed that a site at the bottom of Station Approach, opposite the WW1       
    Bench  on Chapel Street would be a suitable location.
    ACTION POINT  to discuss the proposed location with the family

21.    The meeting was adjourned for any public participation for clarification for agenda points (5 minutes)
Clarification of the list of the new councillors. 

22.    Risk Management. 
    Presence of Japanese Knotweed in The River Rase

23.    Monthly Column  - July 2019
Careless parking and the effect on Emergency Services
Mini Police
Cllr. John Matthews and Cllr Nicola Brooksbank

24.    It was RESOLVED to move into closed session to consider the following agenda item.

25.    Staffing
It was RESOLVED to approve the decisions regarding The Council Office Structure .

The Chairman closed the meeting at approximately 8.40pm