October 2021






MINUTES of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th October 2021 2021 at 7.00PM at the Main Hall of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.




Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/LCC/WLDC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor A. Dale, Councillor M. Hassan, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner. 


In Attendance:

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail


The meeting opened at 19:00


1.  Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and reported the sad passing of former councillor L. Burnett and asked members to join him in a minute’s silence.



2.  To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Harrold.

It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies. 

Apologies were also received from Councillor J McNeill of West Lindsey District Council and the Town Clerk. In the absence of the Town Clerk Cllr J Pilley took the notes of the meeting. 


3.  Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 

Members highlighted the following issues:

  • Dog fouling & poo bag dispenser.
  • Town appearance. 
  • Pesticide use 
  • Speed watch 


4.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.   Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them again at any time during the course of the meeting.

Councillor Lakin-Whitworth declared a pecuniary interest in payment BP1285 at agenda item 11 and took no part in that item. 


5.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held 14th July 2021.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held 14th July 2021 as a correct record.                                                                                                 


6.  To note any update on Action Points.

Members noted the Action log. 


7.  To receive the report of the District & County Councillor. 

Members noted the written report submitted by Councillor Bunney.



8.  To NOTE the Clerk’s report (including the finance report). 

Members noted the officer report.  The request for volunteers for Remembrance Sunday was highlighted, and Cllr Bunney referred to a potential problem with insurance which would need clarification.



9.  Accounts for payment: 

  • To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment. 

Following some minor amendments to the original list, members RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment and where appropriate payment by electronic transfer: 


Accounts 1


accounts 2

Accounts 3



10.  To RESOLVE to approve the payment by direct debit for Telephony / Broadband / Mobile phones to BT & EE as appropriate for the municipal year 2021/2022.

It was RESOLVED to approve the payment by direct debit for Telephony / Broadband / Mobile phones to BT & EE as appropriate for the municipal year 2021/2022.


11.  To retrospectively RESOLVE (as of 21st September 2021) the temporary employment of Yvonne Clark as Temporary Assistant Clerk to cover current staff absence at SCP 7 for 13 hours per week. (Any expense under LGA 1972 s.112)

Members noted that Initial expense had been incurred under Fin Reg 4.4 Clerk’s delegated powers to prevent extreme risk to the delivery of the council’s services, (following consultation with the Chairman of the Council and the Chairman of the H.R Committee.)

It was RESOLVED to approve the temporary employment of Yvonne Clark as Temporary Assistant Clerk to cover current staff absence at SCP 7 for 13 hours per week.



12.  To RESOLVE to authorise expenditure of up to £780.00 (Inc VAT) for the installation of a tow bar to the Maintenance Operative’s vehicle. (Any expense under LGA 1972s.111)

It was RESOLVED to authorise expenditure of up to £780.00 (Inc VAT) for the installation of a tow bar to the Maintenance Operative’s vehicle.



13.  To CONSIDER if the council should investigate community Wi-Fi in the town centre. 

It was agreed to defer this item to a future meeting. 


Action point- Clerk to include on a future agenda 



14.  To NOTE any update on the 1940’s event.

Members noted an email from the event promoters.  Members discussed the proposal including evaluation of the suitability of the chosen site. 

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED that while the council welcomed the worthwhile event and wished to support it De Aston Field was not a suitable site for the proposed event for various reasons.


Action point – an email to be sent to organisers stating the above and encouraging research into alternative, suitable sites for the event.


15.  To RESOLVE the terms of reference for an environment working group and appoint any council members.


It was RESOLVED to approve the draft terms of reference as appended to these minutes; no members were appointed.


Action point – The appointment of councillor members to be added to a future agenda as the group cannot function without councillor members. 





16.  To NOTE vacancies on the H.R and Properties Committee following a recent resignation and to APPOINT new members if required.

 It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr A Dale to the Properties Committee and Cllr N Taylor to the HR Committee.

It was also noted that to accommodate the availability of members committee meetings should be held later in the day from approximately 5 pm onwards. 


17.  Proposed by Councillor J Pilley that the council CONSIDER what action it may take to address the many complaints currently being raised in connection with dog fouling in the town and to resolve that a further request be made to WLDC to obtain the necessary licence to enable Market Rasen TC to introduce the Green Dog Walkers Scheme within the town area. 

It was RESOLVED to make a further request to WLDC to obtain the necessary licence for the scheme and to also refer this issue to the new Environmental Working Group for further consideration

Action Point – Environmental group once formed to consider dog fouling solutions.

18.  Proposed by Councillor J Pilley that the council CONSIDER requesting Inspector G. Brockie attend the next meeting of the Council to discuss the level and perceived effectiveness of policing in Market Rasen and what can be done to improve police resourcing levels.


It was RESOLVED to invite Insp Brockie to the Nov council meeting.


Action Point - Clerk to issue invitation.


19.  To NOTE the Lincolnshire County council proposed speed alterations outside De Aston School/ between the existing 40mph speed limits in Market Rasen and North Willingham/ between North Willingham and Ludford/ the approach to South Elkington from Ludford / South Elkington between the two built up areas/ the built-up southern section of South Elkington to the A16 roundabout. 

The details of the speed reduction schemes were noted.

A member highlighted additional highways issues in relation to a dangerous junction at Chapel Road/Mill Rd partly due to the narrow road and particularly the amount of traffic at school times. It was noted that this would need to be submitted as an agenda item for a future meeting to allow for discussion. 

20.  Any items for the next agenda. 

  • Provision of Wi-Fi in the town
  • The agree a financial contribution towards the Christmas Mime to be held in the town.
  • To agree a financial contribution towards the MR Race Day in July 2022
  • Chapel Road/Mill Road junction

Action point – clerk to add the above items to the next agenda. 


21.  Risk Management. 

There were no items identified.


22.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and                                                                                                                    representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


The above resolution was unnecessary due to lack of any confidential matters. 


The meeting closed at 20.52.


Appendix A – Terms of reference for the Environmental Working Group 



Market Rasen Town Council 

Environmental working group Terms of Reference.


Legislation pertaining to working groups:

Working groups, unlike committees of councils, may work in a less formal manner and need not publish agendas or minutes, they are not subject to the legal notice period for the calling of a meeting.  Working group meetings need not be open to the public but can be if required.  Working groups, unlike council committees, may meet virtually should they wish to. 

The membership of a working group can include both councillors and members of the public in any ratio the Council decides, and all members of the working group have equal voting rights regardless of status. 

Working groups can have no delegated powers or decision-making authority, they can only make recommendations to either full council or the committee to which they are affiliated.  Working groups may not take any action that has not been agreed by a resolution of Full Council or the Committee to which they are affiliated (dependant on said committee having adequate delegated duties for the action). 

Full Council (or a committee) can only resolve to approve actions for which the council has a legislative power or duty therefore a working group is bound by the same restraints and cannot operate ultra vires, (outside of the powers and duties of the council).

The Council is not bound by any recommendation of a working party and in all cases the final decision on any matter rests with Full Council (or the affiliated committee if delegated duties apply). 

Working groups meet in an ad-hoc manner as decided by the group themselves. 

Working groups do not have a Chairman or Vice-Chairman appointed by council but for operational reasons it is required that the group appoint a lead member from their membership to coordinate admin/ meetings and to make reports/ recommendations to Full Council, there is no requirement that this lead person be a councillor but on a practical basis a councillor may be more appropriate as they will already be in attendance at council meetings and will have a better knowledge of the processes pertaining to the Town Council. 


The purpose of the Environmental working group is: 

  • To make recommendations to the council in relation to strategy and policy on environmental issues such as Climate Change, Sustainability and Greening.
  • To propose to the council such environmental projects as they see fit, and to manage the implementation of said projects following council approval. (At all times being mindful of the delegated duties that already rest with standing committees of the council.)

Meetings and reporting: 

Meetings are to be held as and when required and will be managed and administrated by the working group, there is no requirement for minutes of the meeting to be taken or presented to council.  The group may meet virtually or in any location they see fit, but should they require the use of a council building for a meeting, this will be subject to availability and must be booked in advance with the Community Manager. 

 The lead member may provide a verbal update at Full Council should they wish and any recommendations by the group should be presented to the council as a written report providing all the relevant information required for the council to make an informed decision.  The lead member must inform the Town Clerk if they wish to provide a verbal report or submit a recommendation no later than 10 days prior to the Full Council meeting at which they wish to present / submit a recommendation.  


 The group will as a minimum consist of 2 Town Councillors and any number of additional councillors and members of the public that the group decides.  Additional members may be co-opted to the group at any point subject to the majority agreement of the established membership at that time. 


Subgroups of no less than 2 members may be created where necessary, these will be task-and-finish groups focused on a specific topic or task as directed by the main group to whom they will report. 

Lead member scope of authority:

The lead member has no authority above or beyond that of any other member but will coordinate the meetings and deliver reports / submit recommendations to council or council committees as relevant.  Communication between the working group and council officers and councillors outside of the group, must always be undertaken by the lead member.

Disparity of opinion:

It is suggested that the group make any internal decisions on a majority basis and in an event where there is an equality of members for and against any recommendation/action etc.  it be submitted to council for final decision along with the information regarding the disparity of opinion within the group. 

Terms of reference, purpose, and continuation of the working group:

The terms of reference and the continuation of working groups will be considered at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.  However, the council may at any time by resolution of Full Council choose to alter the terms of reference or the purpose of the working group and may at any time by resolution of Full Council choose to disband the working group.