November 2021



MINUTES of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7.00PM at the Main Hall of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.




Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/LCC/WLDC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor A. Dale, Councillor P. Harrold, Councillor M. Hassan, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner. 


In Attendance:

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail

1 member of the public 


The meeting opened at 19:05


1.  Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and reported the resignation of former councillor Thomas Smith. 


2.  To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

None from Market Rasen Town Councillors.

Apologies were noted from Councillor J McNeill of West Lindsey District Council. 


3.  Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 




4.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.   Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them again at any time during the course of the meeting.

Councillor Lakin-Whitworth declared a pecuniary interest in payment BP1302 at agenda item 11 and took no part in that item.  Councillor Bunney declared a pecuniary interest regarding TP75 at agenda item 11. 


5.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on October 13th, 2021

 It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on October 13th, 2021, as a correct record.                                                                                                


6.  To note any update on Action Points.

Members noted the Action log.  It was highlighted that it was not possible to progress with allotment land until responses were received from Tesco. 


7.  Committees:

  • To NOTE the draft minutes of the last Properties Committee meeting, held 26th October 2021 and to RESOLVE to approve any recommendations. 

Members noted the draft minutes. 

  • HR Committee see confidential agenda item. 

Covered at item 20.



8.  To receive the report of the District & County Councillor. 

Councillor Bunney addressed item 8 and 9 together.  Members noted:

  • The introduction of an additional recycling bin and changes to the bin pick up schedule.
  • West Lindsey district council had approved a new councillor Code of Conduct which would be circulated to parishes for adoption by the end of the civic year.
  • Various highways updates on repaired potholes. It was stressed that highways defects needed to be reported via fix my street. 


9.   To note feedback on recent meetings with the local Police.

Members noted: 

  • A meeting would be held on the 17th of November with representatives of the police to address recent events involving a homeless individual that had caused safety concerns and to inform the community of the various measures in place.
  • Ongoing anti-social behaviour by a group oy youths was to be tackled using a multiagency approach and it was suggested that Councillors Dale and Pilley represent the Council in talks with other agencies.


Action Point – The appointment of Councillors Dale and Pilley as council representatives to the multiagency group be added to the next agenda 



10.  To NOTE the Clerk’s report (including the finance report). 

Members noted the officer report.  


11.  Accounts for payment: 

  • To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment. 

Members RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment and where appropriate payment by electronic transfer: 

Table 1

Table 2

12.  To consider a grant aid application for the Market Rasen Churches Christmas Mime 2021.  (Any expenditure under LGA1972, s.144)

It was RESOLVED to grant £300 with an additional offer of up to £100 should costs exceed the £300. 


13.  To appoint a minimum of 2 councillor members to the Environment Working Group and to discuss an agenda for the initial meeting.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillors Harrold and Bridger to the group and Councillor Bunney also expressed an interest in joining the group as the district and county councillor 


14.  To consider the future use of the Marketplace and further public engagement around this.

An informal public meeting regarding the Market place had proceeded this meeting and residents had been encouraged to forward any further opinions to the Council prior to the next meeting at which it was hoped a decision about the use of the Market Place for the next 3 years, would be considered. 

Members noted that £25,000 worth of street furniture and electronic information boards had been received from West Lindsey District Council using funds from the welcome back fund.  It was noted that public Wi-Fi would be required to run the information board. 


15.  To consider how best to facilitate the request from the Lincolnshire local listing campaign in relation to the listing of local heritage assets. 

It was agreed to request public suggestions for local listing via social media and through the Market Rasen Mail.

Action Point – Cllr Bunney to circulate the list of current listed buildings 

Clerk to place post on social media 


16.  Street names:  


 To respond to street naming proposals for our forthcoming development off The Ridings. 

Members felt the use of suggested flower-based names would cause the streets to be confused with those on the Brambles estate in the neighbouring parish. It was RESOLVED to suggest the use of equine based prefixes in keeping with the adjoining streets in the area. 

Suggestions were:

  • Derby 
  • St Leger 
  • Ascot
  • Newmarket
  • Aintree

Or anything in relation to the Market Rasen racecourse which would be celebrating its centenary in 2022.


To respond to a request for naming approval for Sadler Way (a private road on the land off Horseshoe Way).

Members felt the name would be confused with the nearby Saddlers Way. It was RESOLVED to suggest another name related to equine equipment, possibly Bridle Way.


17.  Any items for the next agenda


  • Market place Wi-fi.
  • Games equipment, Mill Road Playing Field.


18.  Risk Management. 

Members noted the no dogs sign at Mill Road Playing Field has become obscured.

It was also highlighted that a post opposite the Electricity Substation had been damaged. 

Action point – Maintenance Operative to investigate the above.


19.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


The above RESOLUTION was passed.  


Members of the public and press left the meeting at 20:32


20.  To NOTE the draft minutes of the HR Committee meeting, held on 19th October 2021 and to RESOLVE to approve any recommendations. 

Members noted the draft minutes, and it was highlighted that the Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman of the HR Committee would conduct a staffing review and report back to council.  It was also highlighted that the Clerk as the senior officer of the council would implement the performance improvement policy in respect of a staff member. 


21.  To confirm the appointment of an Assistant Clerk from 1st December 2021 for an initial 6-month fixed contract

Following an amendment, it was RESOLVED to employ Yvonne Clark as Assistant Clerk from the 1of December 2021, on a permanent basis, subject to a 6-month probationary period, for 10 hours per week at NJC SCP 7. 



The meeting closed at 20:43