June 2021





MINUTES of the Full Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd June 2021 at 7.00PM at the Main Hall of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.




Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/LCC/WLDC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor L. Burnett, Councillor M. Hassan, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor C. Turner. 


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail



1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and explained the voting process for the meeting. 


2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors Harrold and Taylor; it was RESOLVED to approve the apologies. 


3. Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 



4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.   

Councillor S. Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in payment TP 64 at agenda item 11.


5. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 5TH May 2021. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 5TH May 2021. 


6. To note any update on Action Points

Members noted the report.


7. Committees:

To NOTE the draft minutes of the HR Committee held on the 20th May 2021(Copies circulated) and to resolve to adopt or not the recommendations within those minutes including:

An increase to 25 hours per week for the new Maintenance Operative role.

A trial period of flexible home working.

Reduced public office opening hours.

Staff salary spinal point review recommendations.


It was RESOLVED to move this item to the confidential session because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


8. To receive the report of the District & County Councillor. 

Members noted the following

The Mayor had attended an event to open a community garden.

Fundraising had begun for the Council’s chosen charities, which this year would be Andy’s and Brain tumour research.

A pop in councillor surgery had been held in the marketplace.  

Recent planning training delivered by West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) would be circulated to all members. 

Road safety and conditions along with crime and policing had been raised as areas of concern by members of the public and work was taking place on reporting and meetings in the councillor’s capacity as a member of Lincolnshire County Council. 

Two parcels of currently unused land near Tesco’s would be leased at a peppercorn rent to the Town Council, community groups would be formed to utilise and manage the land, potentially as community gardens. 

Action point: Clerk to circulate WLDC planning training when available.


9. To NOTE the Clerk’s report and the Community Manager’s report. 

Members noted the reports and requested that a proposal for replacement office computers be bought to the next meeting. 


Action point: Clerk to arrange for I.T proposal to be bought to the next meeting. 



 10. To pre-approve automated and regular contractual payments for the Municipal year 2021/22

It was RESOLVED that the below regular contracted payments be approved for the remainder of the municipal year 2021/2022:


Direct debits etc11. To resolve to approve the accounts for payment. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment

Page 1 of payments

Page 2



Payments small box

It was requested that a report be bought to the next meeting highlighting the numbers of Moles caught.

Action point: Clerk to arrange for report to be bought to the next meeting. 


12. To consider a funding request from Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue.

It was RESOLVED to make a S137 grant of £20 to Lowland Search and Rescue


13. To receive and note the Internal Audit Report 2020/21. 

Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to receive the report.


14. To resolve the responses to the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21.

Members RESOLVED positive responses to all elements of the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21.


15. To approve the Accounting Statements 2020/21

Members considered the accounting statement and RESOLVED they be approved and signed.  


16. To approve the dates for the excise of public rights 2020/21 as Monday 7th June – Friday 16th July 2021. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the dates for the excise of public rights 2020/21 as Monday 7th June – Friday 16th July 2021.


17. To resolve to suspend standing order 7 to allow for consideration of agenda item 18 and to immediately reinstate standing order 7 following the close of agenda item 18. 

It was RESOLVED to suspend standing order 7 to allow for consideration of agenda item 18 and to immediately reinstate standing order 7 following the close of agenda item 18. 


Standing order 7 suspended. 


18. Proposed by Councillor S. Bunney that the dates of Full Council for the remainder of the municipal year 2021/22 be changed to the second Wednesday of each month (excluding August).

It was RESOLVED that the dates of Full Council for the remainder of the municipal year 2021/22 be changed to the second Wednesday of each month (excluding August). 


Standing order reinstated.



19. Proposed by Councillor S. Bunney that the council resolve to offer reduced Festival Hall hire fees of £10 per session (to cover costs) for a Community Youth Group

It was RESOLVED resolve to offer reduced Festival Hall hire fees of £10 per session (to cover costs) for a Community Youth Group




20. To review and adopt the Risk Management Register and the Retention Policy, and to adopt Market Rasen Town Council’s Three-Year Vision and Strategy.

It was RESOLVED to adopt the Retention Policy and Three-Year Vision and Strategy unchanged and to adopt the Risk Management Register subject to the recommended alterations within the officer report.



21. Risk Management. 




22. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and                                                                                                                    representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was RESOVED that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


the public and press left the meeting at this stage.

23. Market Place update.

Members noted a confidential verbal report it was RESOLVED to delegate further negotiations to the Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman subject to the limitations discussed. 


24.  Agenda Item 7 continued Committees:

To NOTE the draft minutes of the HR Committee held on the 20th May 2021(Copies circulated) and to resolve to adopt or not the recommendations within those minutes including:

  • An increase to 25 hours per week for the new Maintenance Operative role.
  • A trial period of flexible home working.
  • Reduced public office opening hours.
  • Staff salary spinal point review recommendations.

Councillor Pilley, as Chairman of the HR committee introduced the minutes and provided further information. Members noted the minutes and RESOLVED to adopt all of the recommendations included within the minutes. 


The meeting closed at 20:40





Signed ------------------------------------------------------------

14th July 2021