March 2021 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 6.00PM held virtually via Zoom. 

Councillor S. Bunney (Vice-Chair), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor N. Brooksbank, Councillor P. Harrold, Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor T. Smith, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner. 

In Attendance:
Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 
District Councillor - S. Bunney 
Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail

(Vice Chairman in the Chair) 

The Meeting opened at 18:00 

1.    Opening remarks.
The Vice – Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and held a one-minute silence in memory of the Late Town Mayor, Councillor John Matthews who died on 20th February 2021.   The agreed press and civic release regarding John Matthews (Appendix A of these Minutes) was read aloud and other Members added their own tributes to Councillor Matthews and condolences to his family. 
Members noted details of the funeral arrangements.
2.    To resolve that the Vice-Chairman / Deputy Mayor carry out the duties of the Chairman/ Mayor for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2020 - 2021, and the Chairmanship remain vacant until the next Annual Council Meeting in May 2021.
It was RESOLVED that the Vice-Chairman / Deputy Mayor carry out the duties of the Chairman/ Mayor for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2020 - 2021, and the Chairmanship remain vacant until the next Annual Council Meeting in May 2021.
3.    To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were noted from District Councillor McNeil. 
4.    Public Participation. 

5.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Councillors Taylor and Bunney declared pecuniary interest in payments TP 52 & TP 51 respectively, as detailed in item 11.

6.    To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 3rd February 2021. 
It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 3rd February 2021 as a correct record subject to a minor typographical amendment. 

7.    To note any update on Action Points. 
Members noted the Action log, it was highlighted that a site meeting would take place with a West Lindsey District Council (W.L.D.C) officer to discuss the cemetery gate when restrictions allowed.  Members additionally noted that it was no longer necessary to pursue the green space mapping grant as work with W.L.D.C had superseded this. 

8.    Committees:

•    To note the draft minutes of the Properties Committee held Wednesday 10th February 2021 and resolve to adopt or not any recommendations within those draft minutes. 
Members noted the minutes and RESOLVED to accept the recommendations with the amendment that the council’s formal tender process be followed in regard to the Festival Hall Roof Encapsulation. It was additionally highlighted that all costs related to the Festival Hall Roof and Old Police station Windows should be taken from the specific reserves for this purpose. 

9.    To receive the report of the District Councillor 
Councillor Bunney highlighted highways defects and reporting issues across the district along with W.L.D.C’s work on sustainability and social value.  
10.    To note the Clerk’s report and the Community Manager’s report. 
Members noted the reports including the monthly finance report and highlighted that a Tree Survey should be considered of all Council owned land and that additional website training should be undertaken. 
Action Point – costs to be sought for tree survey, additional website training to be arranged.
11.    To resolve to approve the accounts for payment. 
Queries were raised regarding the specific work undertaken for BP1136, following which it was RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment: 


March payments
 March payments


march payments
12.    To note the midyear report of the Internal Auditor and the Internal Audit Review 2018 – 2020 and resolve any necessary action.
Members noted the report, and it was highlighted that the report would be further considered at the next Finance Committee meeting. 
13.    To consider the format and date of the Annual Town Meeting 2021.
Members noted the officer report.
It was RESOLVED that a very short Town Meeting would be held at 6pm on May 5th, 2021 via zoom to defer the full Town Meeting until such time as it can be held face to face.  This will be followed by the Annual Council Meeting,  


To resolve to approach the River Authority and Environment Agency to formulate a plan of action to restore the Mill Pond to a condition that would be attractive to both wildlife and local residents and visitors. 
Members noted Councillor Taylor’s report and It was agreed that this be taken forward as a project led by Councillor Taylor. It was requested that the whereabouts of the Town council owned information board be investigated. It was highlighted that use of the sluice should be addressed with the Environment agency or their subcontracted group. 
Action Point – investigation regarding notice board and making initial contact with other parties concerned.
14.    Risk management.
     The following items were raised as potential risks:
•    Outstanding Items flagged by the Internal Auditor including investigation into insurance values – It was noted that historical items were outstanding due to lack of access to paper records during lockdown. 
•    The quality of reporting following play park safety checks – It was noted that this was under review and new systems were being designed and implemented. 
Action Point – Finance committee to review internal audit & new play park reporting procedures to be implemented.  
15.    Items for the next agenda 
It was requested that the below Items appear on the next agenda:
•    Allotments 
•    Market place 
•    Numbering of /name of flats in the former HSBC building. 

16.    To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
The above RESOLUTION was passed, and the press and public left the meeting. 

17.    Market Place 
Members noted the confidential report and RESOLVED to approve any necessary expenditure to cover legal and professional costs, as outlined in the confidential report, to enter into the lease as described in the confidential report, and to delegate to the Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman of the Finance Committee any necessary meetings and negotiation. 

18.    Security update. 
Members noted the verbal report, and it was agreed to address premises security at the next properties committee.
The meeting closed at 19:40


John Matthews

It is with great sadness I am writing to inform you that Cllr. John Matthews passed away in Lincoln County Hospital on Saturday February 20th, 2021. 

John was extremely proud of Market Rasen and felt greatly privileged to have been elected to the office of Mayor/Chair of The Town Council.   Over the years he served the community in a wide variety of ways.  He was an active member of Market Rasen Business Initiative Group [Mr Big], The Mary Portas Pilot, Market Rasen Town Partnership, De Aston School Governor, Market Rasen Racecourse Liaison, and Market Rasen Station Restoration Group as well as his Council work.   Over the years he has been involved in Town Clean Ups, Christmas Tree and Christmas Lights projects, organising Fareshare food collections from the local super-markets for the schools and local food banks, catering at town events in addition to his Mayoral duties at the annual civic church service, Remembrance Day Service, and many others.   In his time as Mayor, he and his wife, Jayne raised over £20 000 for local charities including Air Ambulance, Lives, Fire Fighters, Motor Neuron Disease Association and Flights for Life.  

John used his good social and hosting skills to great effect in networking with civic dignitaries and councils across wider Lincolnshire and made sure that Market Rasen’s interests were represented.

John’s commitment, energy and enthusiasm will be much missed.

Cllr Stephen Bunney
WLDC Member for Market Rasen Ward
MRTC Deputy Chair