April 2021 Minutes






MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 6.00PM held virtually via Zoom. 



Councillor S. Bunney (Vice-Chair), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor N. Brooksbank, Councillor P. Harrold, Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner. 


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 

District Councillor - S. Bunney 

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail

2 Candidates for Co-option.


(Vice Chairman in the Chair) 


The Meeting opened at 18:01 


1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present 

2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

It was RESOLVED to approve apologies were from Councillor T. Smith. It was additionally noted that a third candidate for co-option was unable to attend due to work commitments.

3. Public Participation. 


4. To receive presentations of a maximum of 5 minutes each from candidates for co-option and to allow 5 minutes for any Councillor questions resulting from the presentations. 

Following an explanation of the co-option process, members noted the presentations from two of the candidates and a short question and answer session followed. 

5. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Councillor Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in payment TP57. Councillor N. Brooksbank declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 17 as a potential purchaser and left the meeting for the entirety of the discussion and vote relating to that item. 


6. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 3rd March 2021. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 3rd March 2021 as a correct record.


7. To note any update on Action Points. 

Members noted the report. Councillor Taylor thanked former Councillor Alf Jones for assistance with documentation relating to the Mill Pond project. It was highlighted that Councillor Taylor would complete a Key Holder Agreement form on his return. 

Action: Cllr Taylor to complete key form. 

8. Committees:

• To note the draft minutes of the Properties Committee held Thursday 25th March 2021 and resolve to adopt or not any recommendations within those draft minutes, including the recommendation of the contractor for the Old Police Station Window repairs 

Members noted the draft minutes and the committee Chairman’s report it was RESOLVED to approve the recommendations including the awarding of the Old Police Station contract to Rodden & Cooper for the revised total of £8400 plus VAT.

Action: Community Manager to instruct chosen contractor.

• To appoint a substitute member to the Finance Committee for the quarterly meeting to be held in April (date & time TBC).

It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr J Pilley as the substitute member of the Finance Committee for the April meeting.


9. To receive the report of the District Councillor.

Members noted the following:

• Councillor Bunney had attending the opening of a new veterinary practice in Market Rasen and he welcomed the business to the town.

• West Lindsey District Council discretionary grants would include support towards Market Stall Trader’s rent including those standing at the Market Rasen Market. 

• New developments in and around Market Rasen had begun including the development on Caistor Road from which the Town Council would receive some S106 funding.

• A Town event would take place on the 11th July on the Market Place (subject to government restrictions) to celebrate hope for the future and the life of the late Councillor John Matthews. 



10. To note the Clerk’s report and the Community Manager’s report. 

Members noted the reports.  The Clerk additionally highlighted the Pooper Snooper App that had proved successful in combating dog waste issues in other parishes.  Members noted the replacement gate was in place at Mill Road Playing Field and that the grass contractors had attended. 


11. To resolve to approve the accounts for payment. 

The below payments were RESOLVED for payment and electronic payment where required:




12. To resolve Ear Marked reserves for the Financial year 2021/2022. 

Members noted the report and RESOLVED to set the below initial ear marked reserves for 2021/2022:


13. To consider Town Band sponsorship for the Financial year 2021/2022. (Any expenditure under LGA1972s.145(2))

Members noted the report and RESOLVED to award £500 sponsorship and free use of the Festival Hall on 3 occasions. 

Action: Clerk to inform Band and arrange payment.

14. Street names/ numbers:

• To resolve a response to Skylark homes regarding suggested street names for the development next to Willingham Road and Land to the West of Linwood Road. 

Members noted the report and RESOLVED the following response:

Development next to Willingham Road: The Town Council feel that the use of tree-based names may cause confusion with the other areas of Market Rasen where there is a prevalence of tree related street names, there is particular concern that Ash Close would be confused with the existing Ash Tree Close.  There is a public footpath/walkway in Market Rasen that is known locally as Woodland Walk and the Council feels that the use of Woodland Way could cause confusion.  The Council suggests Forrest Walk as an alternative with the other streets being named after native woodland/forest animal species such as Badger and Fox.


Land to the West of Linwood Road:  The Council preference is for Roman Fields.

Action: Clerk to send response to Skylark homes copying in planning officer. 

• To resolve to contact the owners of the former HSBC building in regard to the name of the building.

Members noted that the current developers were looking to sell and were unlikely to name the building.

15.   To consider open spaces:

• The provision of Allotments. (Any expenditure under SH&A Act 1908 ss23,25)

Members noted the report and RESOLVED that Town Council Officers as soon as Government Regulations permit call a meeting of all interested potential allotment users with the aim of helping them to set up a Market Rasen Allotments Community Gardens Membership Group.   A budget of up to £500, drawn from the Open Spaces Reserves, is assigned for the project.

Action: officers to arrange meeting when safe 

• Proposed by Councillor C. Turner & Councillor S. Bunney that the council consider the provision of a memorial bench/es and the naming of part of De Aston field in memory of the late John Matthews. (Any expenditure under PHA 1875/OSA 1906 /LGA 1972 S.111)   

Members noted the report and RESOLVED to provide a round bench surrounding a tree in the space in the centre of the arboretum.  It was also RESOLVED to develop the area of grass land adjacent to Willingham Road to provide seating and a picnic area, as outlined in the report and that the facility be named in memory of the late John Matthews. 


16. Proposed by Councillor S. Bunney that the council resolve to adopt a recycling policy for council occupied properties. 

It was RESOLVED that officers prepare a recycling policy and it be submitted to council for approval. 

Action: Clerk to prepare recycling policy.

(Cllr N. Brooksbank left the meeting)

17. To resolve to sell the catering trailer, to resolve a sale method and target price, and resolve to remove from the council asset list once sold. 

It was RESOLVED to place the catering trailer for sale on eBay with a reserve of £1200, following the sale the catering trailer to be removed from the asset list. 

Action: Clerk to arrange for sale via eBay.

(Cllr N. Brooksbank re-entered the meeting)

18. Risk management.


19. Items for the next agenda


20. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above RESOLUTION was passed.

(The public and press left the meeting) 

21. Co-option: 

Councillor Bunney abstained from voting on this item due to friendship with a candidate but would have exercised a chairman’s casting vote if required.

• To resolve to co-opt a councillor to the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of C. Sirett. 

A count was taken and an absolute majority of those present and voting put forward Mark Hassan for co-option.

It was proposed, seconded, and RESOLVED that Mark Hassan be co-opted as a member of Market Rasen Town Council.

• To RESOLVE to co-opt a councillor to the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of J. Clark.

A count was taken and an absolute majority of those present and voting put forward Lindsey Burnett for co-option.

It was proposed, seconded, and RESOLVED that Lindsey Burnett be co-opted as a member of Market Rasen Town Council.

22. Market Place

Members noted a verbal update and resolved further action for the Clerk to write a letter and begin investigations.