December 2022



MINUTES of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.



Present: Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/WLDC/LCC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor F. Easters, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C Turner, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor J. Smith, and Councillor A. Gray.


The Meeting opened at 19:00



1.  To NOTE apologies for absence and to RESOLVE to approve the reasons for absence.

Apologies were noted from Councillor K Bridger, Councillor Mark Hassan & Councillor Arya Madhavan.

It was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.  Apologies were also noted from Councillor J. McNeill of West Lindsey District Council. Apologies were also noted From the Town Clerk.


2.  Public Participation

The following topics were presented:

  • Surface water flooding at Lammas Leas
  • Fishman – allocated stand on Market Place
  • Pigeons along Queen Street – to be included on January’s Full Council Agenda


3.  To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. 

Councillors Pilley and Taylor declared a personal pecuniary interest in payments at agenda item 12 and left the room for the entirety of that item.  It was also noted that Cllr Bunney was included in a non-council payment. 


4.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on October 12th, 2022, and the Extraordinary Full Council meeting held on the 5th October 2022.

 It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on November 9th, 2022 


5.  To NOTE any update on Action Points 

Members noted the report. 


6.  Committees:  


  •  To NOTE the draft minutes of the Finance Committee held on the 22nd of November 2022.  And to RESOLVE to approve the recommendations of the committee.  Inc.  Budget virements and the partial release of general reserves. 

Members noted the draft minutes and RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations. 

  • To NOTE the draft minutes of the Properties Committee held on the 12th of December 2022 and to RESOLVE to approve the recommendations of the committee

Members noted the draft minutes and RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations


7.  To RECEIVE any report of the District & County Councillor.

Members noted the written and verbal report from Councillor Stephen Bunney including: 

  • Greater Lincolnshire Debate & Central Lincolnshire Plan
  • Rural Initiative Funding
  • Emergency Plan
  • Pavement Cleaning
  • Banking Hub
  • Section 106 Education Payment
  • Surface Water Flooding



8.   CONSIDER a recommendation for Road Traffic Orders to Lincolnshire County Council. 

It was RESOLVED to request LCC Highways to set up the Road Traffic Orders.


Action Point - Cllr Stephen Bunney is asked to notify the appropriate authorities to this effect.


9.  To CONSIDER support for a resident concern regarding infrastructure works on Caistor Road.  It was RESOLVED to support the concern.  


Action Point - Cllr Stephen Bunney is asked to notify the appropriate authorities to this effect.


10.  To NOTE the Officer’s reports.

The reports were noted. 


11.  Market Place: 

  • To NOTE a placemaking report and to RESOLVE any necessary action. 

The placemaking report was noted.  It was agreed to include it in any ongoing work on the town infrastructure and its economy.  

Councillors Pilley and Taylor left the room.


12.  Accounts for payment: 

•To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment.

The below accounts were approved for payment.







Councillors Pilley and Taylor re-joined the meeting 



13.  To APPOINT a member to the Properties Committee vacancy or to RESOLVE to reduce the membership in line with the other council committees.

It was RESOLVED to reduce the membership of the Properties Committee in line with the other council committees


14.  To RESOLVE to approve the naming of the new build properties to the rear of 20 Kings Street: developer suggestion 1 and 2 Kings Mews. 

It was RESOLVED to approve the developer’s suggestion to name the new build properties to the rear of 20 Kings Street as 1 and 2 Kings Mews.


15.  To RESOLVE to approve the alterations to the Standing Orders as proposed by the LCAS.

Members RESOLVED to adopt the amended Standing orders.   


16.  To NOTE any update on events for 2022. 



17.  Any items for the next agenda. 

Pigeons along Queen Street

Use of Council Properties  



18.  Risk Management. 



19.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

            The above RESOLUTION was passed. 


20.  To CONSIDER any confidential recommendations of the Properties Committee and RESOLVE any actions. 

It was RESOLVED to adopt the confidential recommendation to write to a contractor.


21.  Old Police station confidential update.

Members noted a verbal update on office tenants.   


The Meeting closed at 20:30