June 2022




MINUTES of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th June 2022 commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.



Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/WLDC/LCC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor A. Dale*, Councillor F. Easters, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor J. Smith, Councillor C. Turner, Councillor A. Gray


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 

Representative of Market Rasen Mail

1 member of the public 


The Meeting opened at 19:00


1.  Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting 


2.  To NOTE apologies for absence and to RESOLVE to approve the reasons for absence. 

Apologies were received from Councillors Taylor and Hassan; it was RESOLVED to approve the reasons for absence.  Apologies were also noted from West Lindsey District Councillor McNeill and members noted that Cllr Dale would join the meeting later. 


3.  Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 

A member of the public spoke regarding agenda item 16, highlighting the importance of Defibrillator signage and publicity. 

(*Cllr A. Dale entered the room)

At the Chairman’s discretion Agenda Item 16 was moved forward on the agenda to allow the member of the public to contribute / witness discussions.


16. To CONSIDER defibrillator signage.

 It was RESOLVED to:

  • Install phosphorescent signage on the Defibrillator Kiosk near De Aston Field 
  • Publicise accessible defibrillators on Face Book 
  • Provide additional signage highlighting the nearest defibrillator at council properties. 


4.  To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.  To RESOLVE to approve any applications for dispensations received by the Clerk

Councillor Lakin-Whitworth declared a pecuniary interest in payment UTB176 at agenda item 14. 


5.  Co-option 

To allow the candidate for co-option to address the council and answer any question from councillors.  

The candidate did not attend.

To RESOLVE to co-opt a councillor to the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of P. Harrold. 

It was RESOLVED to co-opt Arya Madhavan to the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of P. Harrold.


6.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on May 11th, 2022.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on May 11th, 2022. 


7.  To NOTE any update on Action Points.

Members noted the report and asked that the Clerk continue to pursue the warranty for the Festival Hall roof encapsulation.  Members noted that the highways portfolio holder at Lincolnshire County Council had advised the council to approach the County Council ward Councillor in relation to street lighting.

Action Point: Clerk to pursue warranty. 


8.  To RECEIVE and NOTE the Annual Internal Audit Report.  

Members received and noted the Annual Internal Audit Report, it was highlighted that there were no actions resulting from the audit.  The council expressed their thanks to staff for all their work. 


9.  To RESOLVE responses to the Annual Governance Statement. 

Members RESOLVED to respond YES to statements 1 to 8 on the Annual Governance Statement and N/A to Statement 9 as Market Rasen Town Council are not trustees.  The Chairman and the Clerk duly signed the Annual Governance Statement.


10. To CONSIDER, APPROVE and SIGN the Accounting Statements 2021/22.  

Members considered and approved the Accounting Statements 2021/22 and the Chairman duly signed the Accounting Statements 2021/22.


11. To NOTE that the period for the exercise of public rights will be 13th June 2022 to 22ndJuly 2022. 

Members noted that the period for the exercise of public rights will be 13th June 2022 to 22ndJuly 2022.


12. To RECEIVE any report of the District & County Councillor.

In his capacity as County and District councillor, Councillor Bunney informed members that: 

  • Work was underway on the development of a former bank building.
  • West Lindsey District Council had upcoming strategies relating to markets and the visitor economy. 
  • Rase house had been sold to Acis housing association. 
  • The Environmental Agency were due to clear weeds in the River Rase within the following month.  The Environmental Agency had confirmed responsibility for the river and highlighted that water quality testing was required as part of the weed removal process. 
  • The community Environmental group continued to meet and were investigating trees and community gardens. 
  • Members were encouraged to take part in the county views programme.

Councillor Bunney also highlighted the success of the Jubilee events within the town and thanked everyone involved in the organisation.  Thanks were noted for Councillor J. Pilley and Mrs J. Taylor for the organisation of the Jubilee Beacon Event. 


13. To NOTE the Officer’s reports 

Members noted the report and thanked staff for their hard work during the period of staff shortage.  


14. Accounts for payment: 

  • To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment.

The Below payments were RESOLVED for payment:

(Councillor Lakin-Whitworth abstained and took no part in the discussion or vote)page 1 payments


payments page 2

15. To CONSIDER a request for a donation from the Armed Forces Community Advice Service (any expenditure under LGA1972 S137).

It was RESOLVED to award a one-off donation of £50. 


16. To CONSIDER Defibrillator signage

This item was considered earlier in the meeting following agenda item 3. 


17. To NOTE any update on events for 2022. 

Members noted the below upcoming events: 

  • 2nd July - Chalk Streams Project and Environmental Group event at Bell Park.
  • 11th June – Rotary collection of tools for the developing world in the Market Place.
  • 15th, 16th,17th July 1940s Event at the Rugby Club. 


18. Any items for the next agenda. 

Issues relating to service at the G. P’s surgery -  It was RESOLVED to ask Cllr Stephen Bunney to write to the surgery and invite a representative to meet with the council. 

Additional Recycling – to be added to an Autumn agenda. 


19. Risk Management.  

The risk of accident due to the bird faeces around the war memorial was raised.  The Methodist chapel have been contacted to request that trees be cut back. 

Action point: Maintenance operative to arrange cleaning of area. 


20. To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above RESOLUTION was passed.


21. To CONSIDER communication received regarding the Old Police Station. 

It was RESOLVED to refuse the request, as the council could not grant vehicle access over a piece of land that forms part of an existing tenancy. 

The meeting closed at 21:04