July 2022






MINUTES of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th July 2022 commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.




Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/WLDC/LCC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor A. Dale, Councillor F. Easters, Councillor M. Hassan, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor J. Smith, Councillor C. Turner, Councillor A. Gray


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 

Representative of Market Rasen Mail


The Meeting opened at 19:00


1.  Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting 

2.  To NOTE apologies for absence and to RESOLVE to approve the reasons for absence. 

Apologies were received from Councillors Taylor and Madhavan; it was RESOLVED to approve the reasons for absence. Members noted that Councillor Taylor was representing Market Rasen Town Council at the West Lindsey District Council Planning Committee Apologies were also noted from West Lindsey District Councillor McNeill .

3.  Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 


4.  To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.  To RESOLVE to approve any applications for dispensations received by the Clerk

5.  Councillors Lakin-Whitworth and Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in agenda items 10 and 11 and confirmed that they would leave the meeting during those agenda items.  It was RESOLVED that in the subsequent absence of both the Chairman and the Vice - Chairman, Councillor Hassan would chair the meeting for items 10 and 11. 

6.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on June 8th, 2022.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on June 8th, 2022, subject to the correction of two minor typographical errors. 

7.  To NOTE any update on Action Points.

Members noted the report and highlighted the excellent work by the Maintenance Operative in cleaning and clearing the War Memorial Area.  It was also suggested that the council could organise some defibrillator training in the future. 


8.  Committees: 

To NOTE the draft minutes of the below committees: (Copies circulated).  

Planning committee meeting 8th June 2022 

Finance committee meeting 31st May 2022

HR Committee meeting 29th June 2022

Members noted the draft minutes. It was requested that the Clerk make contact in relation to a section 106 payment.

Action point:  Clerk to contact relevant party in relation to the s106 payment. 


To RESOLVE to approve the recommendations of the above committees:

  • recommendation to Full Council for the addition of Councillor Adam Gray as a bank signatory and internet banking user as per the terms of reference of the Finance Committee.

It was RESOLVED to approve the above recommendation. 

Action point:  Clerk and Cllr Gray to arrange addition to bank signatories.  

HR recommendations considered at agenda Item 22


9.  To RECEIVE any report of the District & County Councillor.

Members noted the written report circulated by Councillor Bunney, attached as Appendix A of these minutes, and additional verbal reports on: 

  • The maintenance responsibilities of the open green space adjacent to the cemetery and the Ridings estate.
  • Policing, the new Chief Inspector, and the need for a meeting with parishes and the police to consider required improvements to local policing. 
  • Moves towards a Greater Lincolnshire authority. 

10. To NOTE the Officer’s reports. 

Members noted the report.

Councillors Bunney and Lakin-Whitworth left the room, Councillor Hassan in the Chair

11. To consider a budget virement of £186.40 from Grounds Maintenance (remaining budget allowance for War Memorial flowers) to the Chairman's allowance and the payment of the remaining Chairman's allowance of £402.40 (including above virement) in a lump sum.

Members noted the officer report and RESOLVED to implement a budget virement of £186.40 from Grounds Maintenance (remaining budget allowance for War Memorial flowers) to the Chairman’s allowance and the payment of the remaining Chairman’s allowance of £402.40 (including above virement) in a lump sum.  

12.  Accounts for payment:

       To RESOLVE to approve the below accounts for payment with the exception of UTB 223 which was negated following the resolution at agenda item 11. 



accounts p1

accts p2

(Councillors Bunney and Lakin -Whitworth re-entered the room, the Chairman in the Chair) 



13.  Proposed by Councillor J. Pilley that the membership of the HR Committee is reduced to three and that members be appointed to the reduced committee.

It was RESOLVED to reduce the membership of the HR Committee to 3 members with a quorum of 2 and to update the terms of reference accordingly.

It was RESOLVED that Councillors Pilley, Taylor and Turner remain as the members of the Committee. 


14.  To CONSIDER a change of the published date of the September 2022 Full Council, currently 7th September (1st Wednesday) to 14th September (2nd Wednesday).  (Date originally set in error).

It was RESOLVED to change the date of the September meeting of Full Council to 14th September 2022. 


15.  To REVIEW the publication policy available @ https://market-rasen.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/council-business/policies-procedures/33.  (Officer recommendation - updates to councillor contact details, otherwise no changes required.)

It was RESOLVED to readopt the publication scheme subject to the updating on Councillor contact details. 

Action point:  Clerk to update councillor contact details. 


16.  To NOTE an update from the Rasen Area Environment Group including an update on the River Rase.

An update was included in Councillor Bunney’s written report attached as Appendix A to these minutes. 


17.  To NOTE a report on the recording and publishing of Council Meetings and RESOLVE any action

It was RESOLVED to purchase a tripod and have a trial run of recording and publishing the September Meeting, and a review of success prior to any further expenditure.


18.  To CONSIDER further actions following the attainment of CiLCA by the clerk: 

•      Council Award Scheme.  

•      Principal membership of the SLCC

Congratulations were noted to the Clerk for completion of the Certificate in Local Council Administration. 

It was RESOLVED to apply for the Foundation Award and to upgrade the Clerk’s SLCC membership to Principal level for this municipal year with a review to take place prior to next years membership. 

Action Point: Clerk to begin processes relating to Local Council Award Scheme & upgrade to principal, membership.  


19.  To NOTE any update on events for 2022 and CONSIDER arrangement for the Christmas Market 2022 and Holiday Activities Scheme.

Members noted that the Christmas Market and associated Christmas activities would be in the second weekend in December (9th/10th/11th).  It was also noted that planning would begin for Remembrance Sunday (13th November) 


20.  Any items for the next agenda.



21.  Risk Management.  



22.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above RESOLUTION was passed. 

(The public and press left the meeting)


23.  Staffing Matters:  

•      Consideration of recommendations of the HR Committee and any required RESOLUTION. 

It was RESOLVED to implement the recommendations of the HR Committee as per the confidential report circulated to members.  The Clerk was granted autonomy, to decide upon the division of tasks in line with the wider recommendations and to communicate the decisions to staff. 

Action Point: Clerk to implement recommendations of HR Committee 


•      To NOTE a contractual increase in SCP.

        Members noted the implementation of the contractually agreed SCP increase to the Clerk following completion of the Certificate of Local Council Administration. 


24.  To NOTE commercially sensitive correspondence and to RESOLVE appropriate response/action.  


It was RESOLVED that further information be bought to an upcoming Finance Committee meeting in order that the committee could make a recommendation to the September Full Council meeting. 

Action Point: Clerk to inform correspondent of planned action. 


The meeting closed at 20:57


Appendix A 

Market Rasen Town Council – July 2022

County and District Councillor Report

Prepared by Stephen Bunney

Click here to view.