October 2022






DRAFT MINUTES of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 12th October 2022 commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.




Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/WLDC/LCC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor A. Dale, Councillor F. Easters, Councillor M. Hassan, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor J. Smith, and Councillor A. Gray


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Faye Lambkin-Smith – community Manager 

Representative of Market Rasen Mail


The Meeting opened at 19:00


1. Opening remarks including:

A minute of silent reflection to mark the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II 

To note the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty, King Charles III

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and a minute of silent reflection was held to mark the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and members noted the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty, King Charles III, had been read by the Mayor in the town on September the 12th 2022. 

It was RESOLVED that the council write a letter of condolence / congratulation to Buckingham Palace.

Action point: Clerk to write letter. 


2.  To NOTE apologies for absence and to RESOLVE to approve the reasons for absence.

Apologies were noted from Councillors Bridger, Turner, and Madhavan.  It was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence


3.  Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 

There was some discussion regarding weight restrictions on the junction of Waterloo and Church streets.  It was highlighted that some bars were missing from the safety barrier outside of a local shop.  


4.  To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.  



5.  To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on July 13th, 2022

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on July 13th, 2022, as the correct legal record. 


6.  To NOTE any update on Action Points 

             Members noted the report and questioned the progress of the Festival Hall roof warranty.


7.  Committees:  

To NOTE the draft minutes of the Finance Committee held 20th July 2022 (Copies circulated).  The recommendation of the above committee to be considered at agenda item 26.

To NOTE the draft minutes of the Planning and Development Committee held 16th August 2022. (Copies circulated).  

Members noted the above minutes.  


8.  To RECEIVE a report from the Community Manager proposing an action plan for the Market Place and related timescale, to RESOLVE any actions / alterations to the proposed action plan. 

Members noted the report, and following discussion it was RESOLVED that:

Meetings be arranged with traffic management companies 

Painted lines rather than demarcation studs were to be used to mark bays; demarcation studs having been deemed cost prohibitive. 

Works were to begin to mark 2 disabled bays and to undertake some minor improvements.

The need to develop a mission statement and to consider the future use of the marketplace prior to creating a definitive layout design was noted. 

It was requested that the Community Manager report progress updates to every Full Council meeting. 

Action point: CM to progress resolved actions. 


9.  To RECEIVE a report from the Community Manager regarding the purchase of new maintenance equipment for the Festival Hall Floor and to RESOLVE to authorise related expenditure.  (Expenditure under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19/ Local Government Act 1972, s. 111) 

Members noted the report and RESOLVED to purchase a Numatic Twintec TT- 1840G Scrubber Dryer for £1421.99 with requisite accessories totalling approx. £85.35


10. To NOTE the Officer’s reports

Members noted the reports.


11. To RECEIVE a statement on the flooding incident of the 16th of August 2022 and the response including creating a community emergency plan.

Councillor Bunney shared various information from the draft report on the flooding, including details on the locations of flooding in the Market and Middle Rasen area. 

It was highlighted that local actions required that the Town Council could lead suggestions on were: 

  • Definitive Maps of Drains, gullies, and sewers:

Including information on whom is responsible for their maintenance


  • Sandbags:    

A central Depot with shovels and a funnel – located in an area where it is unlikely to flood.

Smaller stocks in areas prone to flooding – potentially at the Waterloo Street Air Cadets building. 

It was also noted that a sand hopper was required. 


  • Bund Walls:  

Potentially located near the new footpath behind Dear Street – plus a French Drain to LCC Land / Sports Centre, and the Hedge row behind bungalows off Legsby Road.


  • New surface run off pipes: 

Located on The Ridings out at far end of bungalows across to Rase by Rugby Club and at Oxford Street – Jameson Bridge Street – River Rase


  • Local Emergency Plan – fed into by local council, police and fire and rescue


Members noted that most of these items were the responsibility of other agencies, and the Town council could only suggest the measures, however the Town Council could lead on the Local Emergency Plan.  The production of the Emergency Plan was highlighted as a priority, members noted that approx. 6 people who could be councillors or members of the public/ other organisations were required to form a working group to lead on the Emergency Plan. 


12. To RECEIVE any report of the District & County Councillor and an update on policing.

Members noted various written reports submitted by Councillor Bunney covering a range of topics including:

Highways matters, Anti-Social behaviour and an upcoming Dementia Café event. 

Members additionally noted that work had begun with West Lindsey District Council to improve signposting to carparks from town entrances and pedestrian route signage between carparks and the centre of town. 



13. Accounts for payment: 

To NOTE Payments made in August and September under delegated powers/ pre agreement.

Members noted the below payments: 


Accts p1


accts 2accts p3


Accts p4





accts 5




14.  To CONSIDER a resident request that Market Rasen Town Council purchase the areas of common land on the Ridings, adjacent to the footpath between Legsby Road and Chapman Street.  (Information circulated) (any expenditure under Local Government Act 1972, ss124, 126, 127).

It was RESOLVED to approach the landowners to discuss the possibility of the Town Council taking ownership of the land for a nominal fee and receiving a contribution towards future upkeep.

              Action Point: Clerk to contact landowner. 


15.  To consider quotations for insurance rebuild valuations for council properties.  It was RESOLVED to instruct Barrett, Corp & Harrington ltd to undertake a valuation of the Old Police Station and War Memorial at a cost of £600 plus VAT and to Instruct Ian Holdsworth Chartered Surveyors to undertake the survey of the Festival Hall and office building at a cost of £650 plus VAT.

Action Point: Clerk to instruct surveyors. 


16.  To CONSIDER expenditure of approx. £632 to reprint walking leaflets.  (Correspondence circulated) Expenditure under LGA1972 s144 / LG (Miscellaneous Provisions) act 1976

It was RESOLVED to seek sponsorship for the leaflets initially but to meet the expenditure if necessary.  

           Action Point: Clerk to seek sponsorship.


17.  Proposed by Councillor S. Bunney that MRTC inform Church Mill Management Group they will operate the sluice gate and comply with the stipulations within the agenda item information. 

It was RESOLVED to implement the above proposal.  It was noted that it would be necessary to seek agreement from the council’s insurance company and to prepare a risk assessment.

 Action Point: Clerk to contact Church Mill Management and insurance company.


18.  Proposed by Councillor S. Bunney that MRTC offer the Festival Hall free of charge for the trial Dementia Café in November.  

It was RESOLVED to implement the above proposal.  


19.  To NOTE the External Auditor Report year end 2021/2022

Members noted the report, and that as there were no failures no further action was required. 


20.  To RESOLVE to appoint an internal auditor via the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils for the financial year 2022/2023.

       The above resolution was passed


21.  To RESOLVE to adopt the below draft policies/ annual plan.  


Social media and Electronic Communication.

Noticeboard use. 

Council action plan 22/23 

Dignity at work policy 

It was RESOLVED to adopt the above policies / plan as circulated.


22.  To RESOLVE to sign up to the civility and respect pledge.  

The above RESOLUTION was passed.

             Action Point: Clerk to sign the pledge on behalf of the council. 


23.  To RESOLVE that Market Rasen Town Council confirms that it recognises its duties in relation to biodiversity and crime and disorder, and that it has in place all the requirements in relation to governance, community, and development to meet the criteria for the Local Council Award Scheme, Foundation Award.  

The above RESOLUTION was passed. 



24.   To NOTE any update and a report on events for 2022, 

Members noted the letter and the report on the upcoming Remembrance Day parade/service. 

25.  Any items for the next agenda. 

Review of the Council grants procedure to include presentation to/ attendance at a council meeting

Action Point: Clerk to include on next agenda. 


26.  Risk Management.  



27.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

 The above RESOLUTION was passed. 


(The public and press left the meeting and recording was stopped)


28.  To RESOLVE to adopt the recommendation of the Finance committee in relation to commercially sensitive correspondence. 

Members RESOLVED to adopt the recommendation of the Finance Committee. 


29.  To CONSIDER action regarding authorisation of unexpected expenditure.

Members noted the report and the procurement policy of the council and RESOLVED to authorise expenditure to Beltec for the purchase of four market stall covers at the total cost of £1020.00 plus VAT.


The meeting closed at 20:54