October 2023 (2)

Dear Parishioner

You are hereby notified of the meeting of the Finance and Premises Committee of Market Rasen Town Council, which will be held on 31st October 2023 at 7pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.  For further Information or copies of non-confidential reports please contact the Clerk at townclerk@marketrasentc.co.uk or on 01673 842479.  

Signature   A.L.Lawson    Clerk to the Council                   Date: 26/10/2023


  1. To approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.
  2. To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism    Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. 
  3. To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 11th October 2023, as a correct record.  (Copies circulated)
  4. To CONSIDER the provisional Budget
  5. To CONSIDER the provisional Precept requirement.
  6. To CONSIDER the terms of the Grass Cutting Tender.
  7. To CONSIDER the request to cover the legal fees for the lease amendment for the Festival Hall.
  8. TO CONSIDER the cost and options in relation to closing the Market Place for external events.
  9. To CONSIDER the proposal from Bupa in relation to car parking issues.
  10. To CONSIDER the cost of potential repairs to the Festival Hall.