March 2022 Minutes HR



MINUTES of the HR Committee meeting held on Wednesday 2nd March  2022 at 10.00am in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Present: Councillor J. Pilley (Chairman) Councillor M. Lakin -Whitworth, Cllr C. Turner, Cllr P. Harrold, and Cllr N. Taylor* 



In attendance:    

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk


The Meeting opened at 10:05.


1.  Chairman’s opening remarks. 


The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.


2.  To approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.

No apologies were received it was noted that Councillor Taylor would arrive slightly late.


3.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.



4.  To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting, 19th October 2021, as a correct record.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting, 19th October 2021, as a correct record.


(*Councillor N. Taylor joined the meeting 10:08)


5.  To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


        The above RESOLUTION was passed 



6.  To note the training update.

Members noted the update on staff training.  


7.  To note a report on Staff Appraisals and an update on staff members not yet eligible for appraisal. 

Members noted a written confidential report on Staff appraisals and an update on staff members not yet eligible for appraisal.  Cllr Jo Pilley delivered a verbal update on the Clerk’s appraisal


It was highlighted that Legionella testing must be a priority and be in place by the end of April at the latest. 


Performance issues with a staff member were discussed at length and it was highlighted that a full staffing review was still required. 


        (Cllr P. Harrold left the meeting 10:45)


8.  To RESOLVE any action or recommendations as a result of the above staff reports.



  • to recommend to Full Council that the Maintenance Operative role be increased to 37 hours per week (additional cost in the region of £4500 per year for which budget will need be sourced).
  • That the Clerk and Community Manager continue to work in a hybrid pattern of home and office working for 3 months, after which this is reassessed – however where possible at least one officer should be in the office everyday (or part thereof.) 
  • To highlight strongly to members that staff instruction is via relevant line managers and members should not give instruction to staff directly as this places staff in difficult positions and interferes with scheduled work. 




9.  Risk Management

The risk of lone working was highlighted particularly in terms of a single officer being present in the office.  Members were reminded that relevant risk assessments and policies are in place and that the introduction of increased security (door entry/ buzzer equipment) was researched and then refused on the grounds of cost. 


10. To review the Salary Spinal Column Point for staff and RESOLVE a recommendation to Full Council.  


Members noted that all staff would contractually receive the nationally agreed cost of living rises (including back pay since April 2021) at a rate of 1.75% for all SCP (spinal column point) other than SCP 1 which is increased by a higher % to meet the national living wage. 


(The Clerk left the room and in her absence Cllr J Pilley took the notes of the meeting.11:29)


Members reviewed the current staff SCP, for members of staff who had been in post over a year (those not in post for a year or more were not yet due for review) against performance. 

It was RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that all staff remain on their current SCP point except for the Town Clerk & RFO who it was recommended be moved from SCP 25 to SCP 28. (This represents an increase of £2703pa plus oncosts). 



The Meeting closed at 11.40