May 2021 Minutes HR
MINUTES of the HR Committee meeting held on Thursday 20th May 2021 at 3.30pm in the Main Hall at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen
Present: Councillor J. Pilley (Chairman) Councillor M. Lakin -Whitworth, Councillor C. Turner.
In attendance:
Lucy Waller – Town Clerk
The Meeting opened at 15.30.
1. Chairman’s opening remarks.
The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.
2. To approve and accept apologies for absence and reasons given.
Apologies were noted from Councillor Burnett and Councillor Harrold, it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.
3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
4. To approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting, 27th January 2021, as a correct record.
It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the previous meeting, 27th January 2021, as a correct record.
5. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
The above RESOLOUTION was passed
6. To note the successful completion of an employee probation / induction period.
Members noted the officer report and the employee’s mention of food waste in the Kitchen.
It was requested that the Community Manager maintain a log of the expiry dates of previous training certificates and that any necessary training be kept up to date.
7. To note appraisal reports and to RESOLVE a response to training and resources identified as requirements within the reports, to RESOLVE any changes to Job descriptions following review at appraisals.
Members noted the report and made the following RESOLUTIONS
- To approve the amended Job descriptions for all roles with some additional minor amendments where required and with removal of the Community Manager’s responsibility to provide administrative support to outside bodies including the Town Partnership.
- For the Community Manager to commence identified training, at one course a month if achievable, with Legionella training to be prioritised.
- Quotes be sought for the outsourcing of website upkeep from external contractors to relieve the Community Manager of this duty. Clerk to continue to post Agendas and Minutes.
- To purchase a suite of five business contract mobile phones, one for each staff Member to ensure personal equipment is not relied upon.
- The Purchase of the 12th edition of Arnold - Baker on Local Council Administration.
- The purchase of a tablet computer to be used by the caretaker/ new maintenance operative for the digital recording of various inspections etc.
- To investigate the cost of MRTC site specific playground checks or if cost is prohibitive to seek general playground checks training for the caretaker and the new operative.
- Uniform – Caretaker and Maintenance Operative to be supplied with branded polo t-shirts x2 (Caretaker’s to be replaced), Dickies style working trousers x2, and safety work boots. Cleaner to be supplied with 2x branded polo t- shirts or tabards depending on personal preference.
It was additionally highlighted that Councillors should not contact staff on their private mobiles or outside of working hours except for in cases of extreme emergency.
8. To note a report on officer workload and RESOLVE any actions.
Members noted the report which outlined overloading of officers and the high number of large projects currently in process. Members made the following RESOLOUTIONS:
- A freeze be placed on the introduction of any new projects until the Clerk’s completion of the CiLCA qualification (approximately one year) and that Councillors consider staff capacity on all occasions when committing the council to action.
- The Clerk meet formally with the Community Manager monthly for 3 months to monitor the Community Manager’s workload and report back to the HR committee after 3 months for further review.
9. To RESOLVE to commence recruitment for a Maintenance Operative, and to RESOLVE the terms of employment.
Members noted the report and made the following RESOLOUTIONS:
- To RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL that the initial contract hours be raised to 25 per week with a potential further increase following a review after 6 -12 months.
- The Maintenance Operative while working closely with the Community Manager, will be directly managed by the Town Clerk and will provide supervisory management of the Caretaker when they work together.
- It was highlighted that budget provision would be required for the purchase, upkeep and testing of maintenance equipment.
- To appoint Cllr’s Pilley, Lakin-Whitworth and Turner along with the Clerk and Community Manager to a working group to process all aspects of recruitment up to making a recommendation of employment to Full Council.
10. To consider working methods/locations when the current work from home where possible advice ends – including any changes to office opening hours and to RESOLVE a recommendation to Full Council.
Members noted the report and RESOLVED the following RECCOMENDATIONS to FULL COUNCIL:
- For a period of 3 months following the end of the government’s work from home where possible advice (at the time of wrting this is potentially June 21st 2021), a trial period of flexible working to commence. The Community Manager working from the office on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from home on a Wednesday and Friday. The Clerk to work from the office 1 or 2 days a week to be determined by the Clerk based on operational need. As this is a trial period no additional I.T equipment will be supplied to accommodate this and staff not wishing to use their own I.T equipment can return to working 5 days in the office. The trial period to be reviewed after 3 Months.
- TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL that when it becomes safe to do so under government guidance advice (at the time of writing this is potentially June 21st, 2021) the Council office be open to the public for drop ins only on a Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00, with the public to make enquires via phone or email at all other times, with officers offering scheduled appointments if further face to face contact is required.
11. To note the Clerk’s CiLCA progress and the CiLCA learning agreement.
Members noted the Clerk’s CiLCA progress and the CiLCA learning agreement noting the qualification provider’s advice that the workload of the Clerk should not be increased by new projects during the study of CiLCA.
12. To RESOLVE adoption of the draft training feedback form.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the draft training feedback form.
13. Risk Management.
It was highlighted that when Staff are in the office with the front door locked the keys must be kept in the lock to allow for quick escape in an emergency. It was also requested that a visitor’s log be introduced, and investigation be made into an intercom/ entry system to give staff increased safety when opening the main door when working alone.
The Chairman thanked the Clerk for the lengthy and detailed reports produced for the meeting enabling the committee to make properly informed decisions and recommendations to Council.
At the Chairman’s request the Clerk left the meeting, Cllr J. Pilley took the minutes on the Clerk’s behalf.
14. To review the Salary Spinal Column Point for staff and RESOLVE a recommendation to Full Council.
Members noted the report and RESOLVED the following RECCOMENDATIONS to FULL COUNCIL:
- All staff to remain on their current salary Spinal Column Point. This does not impact on staff’s contractual right to NJC and union agreed increases which are currently under negotiation.
The Meeting closed at 18:00