September 2020 Minutes HR




Minutes of the HR Committee meeting held on Wednesday 9th September 2020 at
2.00pm via Zoom.

Councillor J. Matthews, Councillor S. Bunney, Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth, 
Councillor J. Pilley

In attendance:    
Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and RFO
Faye Lambkin- Smith – Community Manager
The Meeting opened at 14.03.

1.    Chairman’s opening remarks.
Councillor Bunney welcomed all present to the meeting and explained how voting would be managed during the virtual meeting. Members also noted that the meeting would be recorded for admin purposes, and the recording deleted once minutes had been produced. 
2.    To approve and accept Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Apologies were received from Councillor Sirett, it was noted that Councillor Matthews may need to leave the meeting for which he apologised.
It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.  
3.    To approve the notes of the previous meeting, 3rd June 2020, as minutes.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the previous meeting as the official minutes subject to the rectification of a typographical error. 
4.    To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
It was RESOLVED to exclude the Public and Press. 
5.    IT Equipment 
Members noted that this had been included within the HR agenda due to the need to address the impact on working and staff of the current level of I.T provision.  The inability to access video conferencing due to lack of cameras and speakers / microphones on desktops and the specifications of the laptop was specifically highlighted.
It was RESOLVED that when officers undertake an I.T audit in conjunction with the I.T consultant and this include the necessary equipment be that addon or new systems and a replacement laptop. 
6.    Staffing Matters to include:
Maintenance arrangements 
Members noted the community Managers report highlighting areas of shortfall around maintenance elements of the current staffing resources. 
Elements of a new Maintenance Operative role were discussed including skills and qualifications required.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk along with the Chair and Vice Chair of the HR Committee put together a Job specification/ description and start the recruitment process.
An update report was to be made to Council at the next meeting and officers and one Councillor to undertake the interview process.
Members noted the suggested training requirements for various roles and some examples of training available and costs.  It was noted that this training would be undertaken over the long term and training for each year decided at appraisals. It was highlighted that some practical courses were better undertaken face to face as opposed to virtually.  It was noted that Fire Safety training should be available for all staff and Councillors. 
It was requested a training feedback form be created and retained in staff files following each training course. 
(Councillor Matthews left the meeting 14:40)
Lone Worker Risk assessments 
It was RESOLVED to adopt the lone worker risk assessments as presented with the addition of a doorbell and sensor light to the exterior door of the office and upgrading of the CCTV monitoring system to make it fit for purpose. 
In addition, the Clerk was to investigate and implement as needed a personal alarm for late working lone workers under Health & Safety provisions. 
Homeworking Policy 
It was requested that a draft home working policy be circulated to members for comments – this would be to cover normal circumstances.   In addition, Office Staff were asked to put together a proposal for flexible working practices during the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce risk and assist with greater social distancing. 
It was additional raised that the Town Council would strongly encourage Members and Staff who regularly visit the office to be inoculated against seasonal Influenza, and where this involved a cost the council would meet this.  
A Councillor requested that Members were reminded that went holding brief conversations with staff this should be via the reception screen where possible and not by entering the main office.
The meeting closed at 15:14