March 2020 Minutes HR
MINUTES of the HR Committee meeting held on Wednesday 11th March 2020 at 3 .30 pm in the Council Office at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen
Councillor J. Matthews
Councillor J. Pilley
Councillor M. Lakin Whitworth
Councillor S. Bunney
In attendance:
Lucy Waller Town Clerk
The Meeting opened at 15 .30
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
Councillor Bunney welcomed all present to the meeting.
2. To approve and accept Apologies for absence and reasons given.
3. To approve the notes of the previous meeting, 22nd January 2020, as minutes.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the previous meeting as the official minutes.
4. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
It was RESOLVED to exclude the Public and Press.
5. To consider draft employment related policies.
The following draft policies were considered:
Health & Safety Policy.
Draft anti bullying & harassment policy.
Draft capability procedure
Draft Disciplinary policy
Draft Grievance policy
Draft lone worker policy
Draft Overtime policy
Draft Performance improvement policy
Draft sickness & absence policy
Draft training policy
Following in depth discussions it was RESOLVED to recommend to full council that the draft policies be adopted subject to some minor amendments. (The final recommended policies to be circulated electronically to members with hard copy on request.)
6. Staffing Matters to include:
- Training
It was noted that the Clerk’s CiLCA training could not begin until October due to availability of training courses.
It was RESOLVED to recommend to full council that the CiLCA qualification requirement for the role of the Community Management be desirable rather than essential and while the council would support the Community Manager to gain the qualification, they would not insist it be completed. This reflected that the syllabus of the course was not reflective of the Community Manager role. It was highlighted that the Community Manager would be expected to identify role related short courses and training to enhance skills in line with the requirements of the role.
It was requested that the training registers for the caretakers be updated, to include qualifications gained and validity dates and presented at the next HR Committee meeting.
It was highlighted that following the recent RBS training increased use of the system for booking diaries was to be implemented.
- Members noted the latest employment advice in relation to COVID-19 circulated by LALC.
- Staff Contracts & Job Descriptions
Members considered the proposed new contracts for the caretaking staff and following in depth discussion and alterations RESOLVED that the amended contract be recommended to full council for adoption following which the Town Clerk would implemented ACAS approved consultation process. It was noted that changes to sick pay arrangements may be reconsidered for future caretaking employees.
The meeting closed at 16.56