January 2020 Minutes HR

Town crest

MINUTES of the HR Committee meeting held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 3 .00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Ma rket Rasen


Councillor J.Matthews

Councillor J. Pilley

Councillor M. Lakin Whitworth

Councillor C. Sirett

Councillor S. Bunney

In attendance:

Lucy Waller Town Clerk

The Meeting opened at 15 .00

1. Election of Chairman

It was RESOLVED that Councillor S. Bunney be appointed Chairman of the HR Committee for the remainder of the council year 2019/20

2. Election of Vice-Chair

It was RESOLVED that Councillor J. Pilley be appointed Vice-Chair of the HR Committee for the remainder of the council year 2019/20

3. Chairman’s opening remarks

Councillor S. Bunney welcomed all present and welcomed the new Clerk to the Committee.

4. To approve and accept Apologies for absence and reasons given.

None received.

5. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was RESOLVED to exclude the Public and Press.

6. To consider Committee Terms of Reference for recommendation to Full Council

It was RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council the draft terms of reference as set out in APPENDIX A of these minutes.

7. Staffing Matters to include:

• Handover update

It was noted that handover was going well and the week commencing 27th Jan would be the last week of the handover process.

• Training

It was noted that RBS training would take place on the 3rd and 4th of March. The procedure for reporting on CILCA training was discussed and the expectations of the council in relation to training time.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk attend the Clerks training day and related expense be authorised.

• Policy Reviews (Policies list circulated)

The Policies relating to the HR function were noted and it was suggested they be reviewed for suitability over a period of time.

• Storage of and access to HR Documents.

It was RESOLVED that HR documents be stored in a separate lockable cabinet and that the Clerk only have access to the Key. A log of documents was to be kept and access logged. Access was to be on a proven need to know basis.

• Staff Contracts & Job Descriptions.

It was noted that overtime was to be the exception rather than the rule and would be by authorisation only. Any overtime incurred assisting contractors would need to be covered within the approved budget of the project and not in addition.

The meeting closed at 16.03



Market Rasen Town Council



Membership of the Committee, including ex-officio members, will not exceed 5 members. Members to include Chairman of The Council, Chairman of Finance & Facilities Committee & Chairman Of Planning Committee.

Purpose of the Committee:

The H.R Committee will have delegated powers on management of Council employees in line with relevant legislation and the Council’s policies and Standing Orders.

Aims and Objectives:

The Committee will:

1. Advise Full Council on the establishment and review of salary pay scales.

2. Take a l ead in the recruitment and appointment of staff.

3. Advise Full Council on new employment contracts and changes to contracts.

4. Establish and review performance management including annual Pay Reviews and staff development programs .

  • The Town Clerk to be reviewed by the HR Committee, who then report to Full Council.
  • The Community Manager to be reviewed by the Town Clerk who then reports to the HR Committee.
  • The Caretakers to be reviewed by the Community Manager in conjunction with the Town Clerk who then reports to the HR Committee.

5. Take a lead in any process leading to the dismissal of staff including redundancy.

6. Keep under review staff working conditions and health and safety matters, bringing recommendations to full council.

7. Monitor and address regular or sustained staff absence.

8. To advise full council on staffing related expenditure.

9. To consider and advise Full Council on any grievance or disciplinary matter and any appeal.

10. To ensure health and safety regulations are adhered to.

11. To address any other matter s relating to HR issues.

12. To recognise and record (on behalf of Full Council) outstanding contributions to the council’s goals and the community.

Meeting Arrangements and Frequency:

Meetings will be held as and when required with at least 3 working days notice (not including the date of the meeting or the date on which the agenda is issued.). An initial annual meeting must be held to appoint a Chairman and/or Vice Chairman. The Clerk or other delegated person will record meetings and circulate to all Counci l Members. The Chairman will provide a verbal update to Full Council on any issues of relevance.


A minimum number of three Committee members of the council are required for decision making purposes.

Reporting and Accountability:

This committee has the following delegated powers:the following delegated powers:

This committee has the following delegated powers:

1. To review staffing structures and levels and make recommendations to the Council.

2. To agree and review annually contracts of employment, job descriptions and person specifications for staff.

3. To review staff salaries and ter ms of conditions and make recommendations to Council.

4. To appoint from the full council membership, three members to hear any for malgrievance made by the Town Clerk and any appeal by other staff against the outcome of a grievance investigation undertaken b y the Town Clerk.

5. To review health and safety at work for all Council employees.

6. To ensure the Council complies with all legislative requirements relating to the employment of staff.


It is fundamental that a local council understands that decisions relating to employment cannot be delegated to individual councillors, including the Chairman. Members of the Human Resources must have a good knowledge and understanding of employment and local council legislation, and effective employment practices.

Review Arrangements:

This committee will be a standing committee of the Council. The appointment of the committee will be considered at the Annual Council Meeting who may decide to alter or committee will be considered at the Annual Council Meeting who may decide to alter or dissolve the committee as required.dissolve the committee as required.