February 2020 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor J. Pilley
Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth
Councillor A. Lakeman
Councillor S. Bunney
Councillor N. Brooksbank
Councillor T. Smith
Councillor C. Turner
Councillor K. Bridger
Councillor C. Sirett
Councillor J. Clark

In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk
District Councillor S. Bunney
Dianne Tuckett – Market Rasen Mail

The Meeting opened at 19.00

1. Opening remarks:

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence:

Apologies were received from County Councillor Strange and District Councillor McNeil.

3. Public Participation:


4. Councillors’ Reports:

Members noted that a recent large delivery to a local business had caused traffic disruption during peak hours.

It was highlighted that Rhodes Passage was slippery due to moss.

Action point:

Caretakers to sweep the passage to remove moss.

5. Declarations of interest:

Councillor J. Matthews declared a personal pecuniary interest in item 13 payment BP881.

6. Draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 8th January 2020:

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes as minutes subject to a minor grammatical amendment.

Councillor C. Sirret abstained from the vote.

7. Update on Action Points:

Members noted that the reported leaking hydrant had now been repaired, that the flag at the Old Police Station had been replaced and that the damp in the Old Police Station was being monitored. The Clerk reported that there had been no occasion where the Festival Hall deposit had not been refunded to the hirer.

8. Chairman’s announcements

The Chairman highlighted that he had met with a representative of Lloyds Bank, attended planning meetings for the love Market Rasen race day, presented awards to graduating Air Cadets and had a guided tour of the new Leisure Centre.

9. Town Clerk’s Report:

Members highlighted that the original request to BT for the adoption of a phone kiosk was for a modern kiosk for use to house a defibrillator.

Action Point

Clerk to contact BT to clarify.

It was noted that the co-option process would begin to fill the casual vacancy following instruction from West Lindsey District Council as no election had been requested.

Members were asked to let the Clerk know if they were happy to assist with the delivery of letters requesting permission to remove street signs for cleaning or repair to occupants of buildings with attached street signs.

The decorative condition of the toilets and other areas of the Festival Hall were discussed.

Action Point

Painting of damaged areas to take place and quotes to be sought for refurbishment of toilets and redecoration of the hall.

10. Report of the County Councillor:


11. Report of the District Councillors:

Members noted the flooding resilience fund provided by West Lindsey District Council, and that work had taken place to reduce risk to pedestrians in the John Street car park.

It was highlighted that a lean to area used as a cut through on Mill Lane was attracting anti-social behaviours. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council write to West Lindsey District Council requesting that this area be fenced off.

Action Point

A letter of request to be sent to West Lindsey District Council.

It was highlighted that the upcoming Alchemy event would take place in late March and early April.

12. To appoint Lucy Waller as the Responsible Financial Officer:

This item was removed as it had previously been resolved under item 5 of the extraordinary meeting of Full Council on 20th November 2019.

13. Accounts for payment:

It was RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment.

Councillor J Matthews abstained from the vote.



14. General correspondence:

Members noted the correspondence.

15. Response to changes to local banking provision:

It was RESOLVED to offer the use of the Market Place, free of charge, for mobile banking services to both Lloyds and NatWest.

16. Committee Meetings:

 To elect a Vice-Chair of the Finance & Facilities Committee.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor A. Lakeman as Vice –Chair of the Finance & Facilities Committee.

 To note the draft minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee held on the 22nd Jan and to accept and action the recommendations of the committee as set down in those draft minutes.

The draft minutes were noted and it was RESOLVED to accept and action the recommendations of the committee.

 To note the draft minutes of the HR Committee held on the 22nd Jan 2020 and to adopt the draft Terms of Reference (set out in APPENDIX A of those draft minutes) as recommended by the HR Committee and make alterations to related Standing Orders and HR policies to reflect the terms of reference.

The draft minutes were noted and it was RESOLVED to adopt the draft Terms of Reference and make alterations to related Standing Orders and HR policies to reflect the terms of reference.

 To NOTE any committee updates.

Councillor S. Bunney highlighted that the Finance & Facilities Clerk had now left the Council’s employment and he offered thanks on behalf of the Council for all her work and for her professionalism during the handover period. It was also noted that the Market Place lease would need to be considered at the next Finance & Facilities Meeting.

Action Point

Market Place lease to be placed on the next Finance & Facilities Meeting agenda.

17. Progress reports from Project Groups:

a) Festival Hall – decorative condition was discussed.

b) Old Police Station – Members noted that lease discussions were ongoing, as were talks regarding the relocation of the Police Museum.

c) Mill Road Playing Field Development – Members noted that the pedestrian access granted to the new Leisure Centre would be more centrally placed than first thought.

18. To NOTE reports from any external meetings:


19. To NOTE any update from the Community Speed Watch Group

It was noted that payment had been taken.

20. Update on Green Spaces, Pocket Parks and Allotments:

It was highlighted that permission was being sought for volunteers to begin work on the Pocket Park and that insurance details were being investigated. Members noted that a public meeting had taken place to discuss allotments options and that a steering group was to be formed with the first meeting of the group to take place on the 19th February.

21. Update on Neighbourhood Planning:

It was noted that a meeting was to be arranged the following week and that Community Links were to be involved with the formation of the plan.

22. Update on Live & Local Marketing from the Community Manager & to consider the proposed Town Council Events Calendar for 2020 including Christmas Market feedback:

Members noted the update, the draft dates and feedback including an additional email from a local group. It was highlighted that the dates of some of the events had changed and any decision as to the Christmas Market dates would be deferred to a later date. An update on Live & Local ticket sales was requested for the next Finance & Facilities Meeting.

Action Point

An update on Live & Local ticket sales to be included in next Finance & Facilities Meeting.

23. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points:


24. Risk Management:


25. Monthly column topics for February 2020:

It was RESOLVED to highlight positive aspects of the council’s work including community engagement.

26. The public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting:

The decision was made to move item 27 into the public session.

27. Response to proposed waiting restrictions:

It was RESOLVED to respond to Lincolnshire County Council that the Town Council support the proposed waiting restrictions and would like to raise additional concerns regarding traffic and parking on Legsby Road.

The meeting closed at 20.35