July 2020 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 at 6.00PM, in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 held virtually via Zoom.


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)

Councillor J. Pilley

Councillor S. Bunney

Councillor C. Turner Joined at 18.11

Councillor A. Lakeman

Councillor J. Clark

Councillor K. Bridger

Councillor C. Sirett

In Attendance:

Lucy Waller Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

District Councillor S. Bunney

Leanne Crawford Market Rasen Mail

The Meeting opened at 18. 07

1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting and explained the required protocols for the virtual meeting. The Chairman highlighted the recent passing away of the Late Councillor Strange who had represented Market Rasen at Lincolnshire County Council and praised the work Cllr Strange had done for Market Rasen. At the Chairman’s request a minute of silence was held in remembrance.

2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors Smith and Lakin Whitworth , it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.

Apologies were also noted from Councillor McNeill of West Lindsey Council.

3. Public Participation (max 20 minutes)


4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


(Councillor C. Turner joined the meeting at 18:11)

5. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th March 2020 and the extraordinary emergency email meeting held on 27th March 2020.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th March 2020 and the extraordinary emergency email meeting held on 27th March 2020

6. To note any update on Action Points

Members noted the report.

7. To receive the Chairman’s report.

The Chairman highlighted the various community support activities that had taken place and continued to take place during the Covid 19 l ockdown and aftermath, in which himself and members had been involved along with various community volunteers and groups . Activities of note were:

• Food Banks
• Community meals
• A friendship call line to combat isolation
• A school uniform bank

The Chairman offered his thanks to all involved in the community efforts

8. To receive the report of the District Councillors (if any)

Councillor Bunney updated members on various issues including:

• The opening of the new Leisure Centre and temporary restricted opening times.
• Upcoming community speed watch training.
• Waste and Recycling centre booking procedures
• Flooding
• Highways repairs
• Lincolnshire devolution
• Installation of Wi-FI at the Festival Hall

Members also noted that Councillor Fleetwood would be the liaison Councillor for Market Rasen at Lincolnshire County Council in the short term.

9. Committee Meetings:

• To note the draft minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee held on the 18 th March 2020 and the approved minutes of the HR Committee Meeting held on 11th March 2020 & the draft minutes of the HR Committee held on 2 nd June 2020.

Members noted the minutes and draft minutes.

• To resolve to accept and action the recommendations of the committees as set down in those draft minutes/minutes.

It was RESOLVED to accept and action the recommendations of the minutes/draft minutes.

10. To note the report of the Internal Auditor.

Members noted the report.

11. To resolve to approve the annual governance statement 2019/20 which is to be signed and minuted by Chairman and Clerk

Members RESOLVED positive responses to all elements of the annual government statement and noted that the Chairman would sign in the presence of the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.

12. To resolve to approve the annual accounting statements 2019/20

It was RESOLVED to approve the annual accounting statement and members noted that the Chairman would sign in the presence of the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.

ACTION POINT Chairman and Clerk to sign off statements and Clerk to submit the Annual return to the external auditors

13. In response to changes of legi slation under the Coronavirus Act to resolve how the council will proceed in relation to the election to office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, appointment to committees, and holding of the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.

Members noted the officer’s report and it was RESOLVED that all elections to office and appointments to committees would remain in place until the Annual Meeting of the Town Council in May 2021.

14. In response to changes of legislation under the Coronavirus Act and the end of the specific period of resolved delegated duties to resolve how the Council will operate while physical meetings cannot be held / are advised against

Members noted the officer’s report and it was RESOLVED that from September 2nd Full Council Meetings would recommence virtually on the 1st Wednesday of the Month, however, committee meetings would be limited to absolute necessity and previous duties delegated to the Clerk in relation to planning and mid-month payments would remain in place until such time as face to face meetings became possible.

15. To resolve the below expenditure for the purpose of installing a defibrillator in the adopted Phone Kiosk on Willingham road :

  • £400 for subsidised defibrillator including installation from WLDC (with an additional £30 40 of potential expenditure should lighting require an upgrade on installation).
  • Provisionally agreeing to sign up to the WLDC maintenance scheme membership at a cost of £83.33+VAT per defibrillator, subject to there being no substantial changes to cost or specification

It was RESOLVED to purchase the subsidised defibrillator , authorise the potential additional expense for lighting and sign up for the maintenance scheme for both the new and existing council owned defibrillato rs. (Expenditure under Public Health Act 1936, s234 and Local Government Act 1972, s. 111)

16. To resolve a response to a request to donate a bench.

It was RESOLVED to accept the donation of the bench.

17. To note an update in relation to the arrangements for stakeholder consultation on strategy from Cllr. Stephen Bunney.

Members noted the need to rewrite the Council Strategy considering the Covid 19 pandemic and the urgency of this in order to secure available funds from West Lindsey District Council. It was noted that in order to secure the available funding projects would need to provide employm ent opportunities or benefit the local economy. It was highlighted that the strategy was likely to focus on the Festival Hall, Greenspaces, Transport and the High Street. Councillor Bunney outlined various considerations for the strategy and discussions included suggestions of Art and Craft cooperative facilities and gallery space. Members also noted that the Festival Hall Roof was nearing the end of its lifespan and action would be required as a matter of urgency, it was noted that proposals for this wo uld come forward to the September meeting. Additional discussion was moved to the confidential session

ACTION POINT Festival hall proposal to be placed on next Agenda and Councillor Bunney and the Clerk to work on draft strategy .

18. To note the community manager ’s report and recommendation in relation to the opening of the Festival Hall and to resolve any action.

Members noted the officer’s report and it was RESOLVED that The Festival Hall would remain closed and the situation reconsidered at the September Meeting of Full Council. Members thanked the Community Manager for her comprehensive report.

19. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points

Some points of clarification were requested from Councillor Bunney in relation to his District council update.

20. Risk Management.

The Chairman highlighted the lack of developer activity in relation to a planning application from which section 106 monies were due to the Council and the potential that these funds may not be forthcoming should development not go ahead.

21. To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Item 17 continued – Members noted current council reserves.

The meeting closed at 19:32.