December 2020 Minutes






MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 6.00PM, in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 held virtually via Zoom. 



Councillor J. Matthews (Chairman), Councillor S. Bunney (Vice-Chair), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor J. Clark, Councillor P. Harrold,

Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth,  Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor T. Smith, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner. 


In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 

District Councillor - S. Bunney 

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail


The Meeting opened at 18.04


1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for attending and explained voting protocols.   

2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor N.  Brooksbank; it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies

Members noted the resignation of former Councillor C. Sirett.

(Councillor Bridger briefly left the meeting 18:05-18:07 due to technical difficulties) 


3. Public Participation (max 20 minutes)   


4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.   

Councillor Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in TP 37 and Councillor Taylor declared a pecuniary interest in TP 41.  Councillor Bunney additionally declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 14 due to non-pecuniary links to De Aston School.

5. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th November 2020 


It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes subject to a minor typographical correction. 

(Councillor T. Smith abstained from the vote) 


6. To note any update on Action Points 

Members noted the action log, no further discussion took place. 

7. Committee Minutes:


• To note the draft minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee March 2020 and due to the disbandment of the committee to resolve to approve the draft minutes as the legal record of the meeting. 


The draft minutes were noted, and It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes as the legal record of the meeting. 



• To note the draft minutes of the Finance Committee Nov 2020 and to resolve to adopt or not the recommendations of the committee contained within those minutes. 


Members noted the draft minutes and RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations of the committee contained within the draft minutes.  



8. To receive the Chairman’s report.


Members noted that due to current COVID-19 restrictions no civic attendances had       taken place.  However, the Mayor had been honoured to lead the Town’s laying of wreaths on Remembrance Sunday and to attend De Aston School’s Armistice Day event.  The work of the Town Partnership and other voluntary groups within the town was highlighted and in particular the installation of additional Christmas lights. 


9. To receive the report of the District Councillor 

Members noted various points including the following:  

• West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) had authorised free parking for the now cancelled Christmas Market, for future events this would require an eight to twelve-week lead to allow for requests to be assessed. 

• WLDC were engaging with local Supermarkets regarding litter and recycling.

• WLDC’s Climate Survey was available online and Councillors were encouraged to respond. This Survey was to feed into WLDC’s climate and sustainability strategies which include a net-zero carbon target across its operations by 2050. 

• It had been requested that all future market incentives be applied equally across the district’s markets and not just to Gainsborough. 

• In conjunction with the Rotary Club planting was taking place within Market Rasen, this was seen to off-set any environmental impact of additional Christmas lighting in the town. 

• Loneliness during COVID-19 restrictions and the various agencies available were highlighted.

• Damage to the Cemetery Fence and the need for an alternative solution were noted. 

(Action Point – Clerk to place Cemetery fence on the next Agenda)

• Highways issues and repairs were discussed with particular reference to parking on pavements, it was requested that the draft three-year strategy be updated to include combating parking on pavements within the town.

(Action Point – Clerk to instruct strategy writer to update draft strategy & add letter of support to living streets to the next Agenda)


10. To note the Clerk’s report and the Community Manager’s report. 

Members noted the reports including the finance report as at 31st October 2020.  It was RESOLVED to delegate to the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman to enter into a contract for mole pest control. Any decision to follow a full report from the Community Manager to the properties committee members. 

11. To resolve to approve the accounts for payment. 

Members noted the pre-approved payments and RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment. 


Dec 2020 payments 1

Dec 2020 Payments  2

Dec 2020 payments 3

12. To note the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20. 

Members noted the report and discussion highlighted how the council would ensure that evidence showed that the correct budget process had been adhered to in the future. 

13. To consider quotes for the Grass Cutting Services Contract and resolve to award the contract for April 2021 – March 2024.  

It was RESOLVED to move this item into the confidential session to allow for the electronic display of the confidential report.   Following discussion in the confidential session it was RESOLVED to award the contract to A J Williams at the annual price of £4016 (16 cuts) fixed for 3 years.  It was noted that further planting at De Aston field may lead to renegotiation to the charge for De Aston field only. 


14. To resolve any response to the Lincolnshire County Council consultation on alterations to speed limits on the A631 from Market Rasen to Louth. 

Members noted the proposed alterations and RESOLVED to respond in support with the below additional comment: 

The Town Council additionally request that the 30mph restriction [on D/142069/2] should start at the junction with the Glebe Farm Drive rather than at the school car park.   

15. Proposed by Councillor Taylor that the Town Council consider complaints from residents, received by himself, regarding the actions of a minority of irresponsible dog owners utilising De Aston Field and resolves any appropriate action. 

Following discussions there was a consensus of agreement for the need for additional signage, the development of the Town Council’s own scheme to tackle dog waste and to report to WLDC where evidence was available. It was additionally noted the council can write to culprits where they are known. 

16. To receive an update on the Three-Year Strategy from Councillor Bunney.

Members noted the draft strategy document and a brief update. 

17. Risk Management.



18. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points.


19. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above RESOLUTION was passed.

(The public & Press left the meeting)

20. Market place update.

Members noted the update. 

21. Festival Hall Cleaning contract.

Members noted the officer report and following discussion it was RESOLVED to give notice that the current contract would not be renewed and to move the cleaning of the Festival Hall inhouse.  


       (The meeting closed at 19:34)