March 2020 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 4th March 2020 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor J. Pilley
Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth
Councillor A. Lakeman
Councillor S. Bunney
Councillor N. Brooksbank
Councillor T. Smith
Councillor C. Turner
Councillor K. Bridger
Councillor C. Sirett
Councillor J. Clark

In Attendance:

Lucy Waller - Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
District Councillor S. Bunney
Georgia Burrows - Market Rasen Mail

The Meeting opened at 19.00

1. Opening remarks:

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from County Councillor Strange and District Councillors McNeil and McCartney

3. Public Participation


4. Councillors’ Reports

It was highlighted that there are several outstanding highways maintenance issues and it was suggested that these be reported collectively to the County Councillor.

5. Declarations of interest:

Councillor J. Matthews declared a personal pecuniary interest in item 14 payment BP907

6. Draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 5th February 2020:

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes as minutes subject to a minor typographical amendment.

7. Update on Action Points::

Members noted that Rhodes passage had been swept and that the contract for the purchase of a telephone kiosk had been received back from BT. It was highlighted that for any further financial support to be made ownership of the Walkers are Welcome Website must pass to the Council. Councillor Bunney informed members that West Lindsey District Council had indicated that concerns regarding the lean to in Mill Street were matters for the owners and the police to resolve.

8. Chairman’s announcements Chairman’s announcements

The Chairman highlighted that he had attended the following:

• Meeting with the race course in relation to Love Market Rasen DayMeeting with the race course in relation to Love Market Rasen Day
• Meeting with the police.Meeting with the police.
• Meeting in relation to the upcoming Alchemy events and the Town PartnershipMeeting in relation to the upcoming Alchemy events and the Town Partnership..
• Promotion of responsible dog ownership. Promotion of responsible dog ownership.
• Burying of the Primary school time capsule at the leisure centre.Burying of the Primary school time capsule at the leisure centre.

The Chairman informed Members of the sad passing away of former District The Chairman informed Members of the sad passing away of former District Councillor Councillor Malcolm Parish. Malcolm Parish.

9. Town Clerk’s Report:

Members noted software training had been very useful. It was queried if all policies needed to be adopted annually.needed to be adopted annually.

ACTION POINT -- Clerk to check legislation with Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.

10. Report of the County Councillor:


11. Report of the District Councillors
Councillor Bunney highlighted the following:
• West Lindsey District Council would be taking forward a scheme to encourage responsible dog ownership but the specific scheme was not yet confirmed.
• West Lindsey District Council had set a balanced budget.
• West Lindsey District Council were hoping to review the Market Rasen Conservation area this year.
• The West Lindsey District Council online lottery had been launched.

12. Accounts for payment

It was RESOLVED to approve the below accounts for payment with the exception of payment BP898 which the Clerk was to investigate and report back on. Total £9334.02

Councillor J Matthews abstained from the vote.

14. Committee Meetings:

• To NOTE the draft minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee held on the19th Feb and to RESOLVE to accept and action the recommendations of the committee as set down in those draft minutes.

Members noted the draft minutes and it was RESOLVED to accept and action the recommendations of the committee as se t down in those draft minutes.

• To NOTE any committee updates. None

15. To NOTE progress reports from Project Groups

a) Festival Hall it was noted that minor repairs h a d been made to the roof and decorative repairs were ongoing. It was requested that a reporting system for checks be put in place.


Clerk to work with Community Manager to provide regular report.

b) Old Police Station None.

c) Mill Road Playing Fie l d Development None.

16. To NOTE reports from any external meetings.

Councillor Matthews highlighted that a meeting he and Councillor Bunney attended with the local police had been constructive.

17. To NOTE an update on the upcoming Alchemy Events.

A paper was circulating highlighting the progress of arrangements and the content of the upcoming alchemy events further discussion was moved to the confidential session.

18. To consider joining Rural Market Town Group at a cost of £110 pa +VAT.

Members noted the circulated reports and it was RESOLVED that Market Rasen Town Council join the Rural Market Town Group at a cost of £110 pa +VAT and asses membership after the initial year prior to further subscriptions.


Clerk to make necessary arrangements.

19. T o RESOLVE a response to West Lindsey District Council Consultation on their New Parish Charter.

It was RESOLVED that the council were in favour of the Parish Charter and the Clerk was asked to respond to the online survey unless required answers were out s ide of known council policy/ views in which case further instruction was to be sought.


Clerk to complete survey.

20. To RESOLVE council policy in regard to metal detecting on council property.

It was RESOLVED to adopt the metal detecting policy attached as APPENDIX A of these minutes.

21. To consider the format of the Annual Town Meeting 29 th April and the MRTC Annual Report.

Members noted the report circulated it was RESOLVED that a streamlined report be produced and that the Annual Town Meeti n g be used as an opportunity to hold a Neighbourhood Plan awareness event and an opportunity to meet with Councillors.

22. To NOTE any update from the Community Speed Watch Group

Members noted that previous volunteers would be contacted to ensure they were still happy to take part and that once 6 confirmed volunteers were confirmed and equipment purchased training could be started.

23. To NOTE any update on Green Spac es, Pocket Parks and Allotments.

Cllr Brooksbank left the meeting at 20.00

Members noted that the right site needed to be identified for allotments and that mapping of green spaces within Market Rasen to identify green areas and ownership/use/maintenance status was required as part of the neighbourhood plan formation.

Cllr Brooksbank rejoined the meeting at 20:05

24. To NOTE any update on Neighbourhood Planning

Members noted that a meeting had taken place and the first action required would be to identify the area designation for the plan. It was highlighted that a Neighbourhood Plan was extremely important in allowing parish councils control over planning and development issues.

25. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points


26. Risk Management.

It was highlighted that a lack of a Neighbourhood Plan represented a risk.

27. Monthly column topics for March 2020.

It was requested that the Clerk determine this.

28. To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was RESOLVED that the Public and Press be excluded.

29. High Street Maintenance.

Members noted that an invoice had been paid from Town Partnership funds.

30. Market Place.

Possible courses of action regarding the end of the current lease were discussed.

It was RESOLVED to authorise council expenditure for legal services as highlighted within the confidential report and to delegate to the Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman and the Chairman of the Finance and Facilities Committee the drawing up of the proposal highlighted within the confide n tial report.

31. To NOTE any update on Green Spac es, Pocket Parks and Allotments.

The need to register areas of green space as community assets was noted.

32. Update on Co option.

It was RESOLVED that a confidential skills audit be put in place to help the council identify skills gaps to assist with selection.

The Meeting closed at 20:45