October 2020 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 6.00PM, in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 held virtually via Zoom.


Councillor J. Matthews (Chairman), Councillor S. Bunney (Vice-Chair), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor N. Brooksbank, Councillor J. Clark, Councillor P. Harrold, Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor C. Turner.

In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

District Councillor - S. Bunney

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail

Neil Taylor – candidate for co-option

The Meeting opened at 18.01

1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for attending. The Chairman additionally welcomed Cllr Harrold to his first meeting as a Council member.

2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors Smith and Sirett; it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.

Apologies were also noted from Councillor McNeill of West Lindsey Council.

3. Public Participation (max 20 minutes)


4. To receive presentations of a maximum of 5 minutes each from candidates for co-option and to allow 5 minutes for any Councillor questions resulting from the presentations.

Councillors noted a presentation from Neil Taylor and a written statement from David Strachan was read aloud by the Clerk prior to agenda item 24.

5. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Councillor Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in payment TP 29 and BP1050 and as such abstained from voting on Agenda Item 13.

Councillors Pilley and Bunney declared personal interest due to existing social relationships regarding Agenda Item 24 and as such abstained from voting on that item.

6. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 2nd September 2020.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 2nd Sept 2020.

7. To note any update on Action Points.

Members noted the report

8. Committee Meetings

• To note the draft minutes of the HR Committee held on the 9th Sept 2020 and to resolve to accept and action the recommendations of the committee as set down in those draft minutes.

Members noted the draft minutes and RESOLVED to accept the recommendations with the exception of Minute Item 6 regarding recruitment which was to be put on hold pending budgetary decisions.

• To NOTE any committee updates.


9. To receive the Chairman’s report.

Members noted that the Mayor and Mayoress had represented the council as the cortege of the late Dr Parry passed along the high street.

Members also noted that a Community Speed Watch activity had taken place as had a heritage talk and that the Chairman, Vice-Chair and Clerk had met with the agent for the owner of the Market place.

10. To receive the report of the District Councillors

Members noted the following:

An approach from a disbanded neighbourhood watch group to provide funding towards the planting of shrubs and hedges on The Woodland walk area.

That discussions had been held with the Rotary Club who had offered to obtain trees to plant up the centre area of DeAston field to provide a wooded area it was suggested that a track also be put in place to create a walk in this area.

A request had been received from a resident to produce a book of memories of the Late Dr Parry which could be made available to interested parties such as the Library and Rase Heritage along with any residents.

It was proposed, seconded, and RESOLVED that the book be coordinated by the Town council.

Action point: initial work be undertaken via social media and the Market Rasen Mail to gather residents’ memories.

11. Officer’s reports.

Members noted the officer’s reports and the verbal update that an additional sample of the marquee lining was required to investigate fireproofing.

12. To note an update on Christmas arrangements.

Members noted the various planned activities for the Christmas season including:

  • Town clean up Oct 31st.
  • Shop window and home & garden decorating competitions, the theme of which was Light up Rasen for Christmas.
  • 70 Christmas trees above the shops in the holders with additional brighter lights.
  • Christmas Tree in the marketplace provided by the Christmas Tree Committee.
  • Additional festoons of lighting – subject to additional funding
  • Additional trees and lighting in other areas of the town.
  • Christmas Market 12:00 – 18:00 on sat December 5th and possible late-night shopping on the 4th.
  • Distribution of goodie boxes during Christmas week (approx. 150-200)
  • 30 food parcels of store cupboard items to be distributed

Members also noted that the Salvation army would be providing meals on Christmas day. It was highlighted that volunteers were required for the Market and Christmas trees.

13. To resolve to approve the accounts for payment.

Members noted the pre-approved payments for noting and RESOLVED to approve payment of the below accounts via electronic payment.





14. To note the midyear budgetary situation and to resolve any actions required.

Members noted the circulated midyear budget report and the projected budgetary shortfall due to the impact of Covid-19 on income streams and RESOLVED to accept the proposed budget changes within the report and to take the following actions.

  • Recruitment freeze until the next financial year.
  • Reduced maintenance spend and use of contractors.
  • No new unplanned equipment other that in regard to health and safety issues and already budgeted IT equipment.
  • Cancellation of all Civic Events this financial year.
  • No Play Park Capital contribution in this financial year.
  • Investigation of cleaning contract options on renewal.
  • Reduction of Christmas Expenditure to £2000
  • Reduction of grant expenditure to £600
  • Reduction of the chairman’s allowance to £1500.

(Councillor Matthews briefly lost connection and left the meeting at 18:48 and re-joined at 18:49)

15. To consider Town Band Sponsorship.

It was RESOLVED that this item be deferred pending discussions with the band to be carried out under delegated duties with the Item be returned to council only if funds are required.

16. Recommendations of the internal Auditor:

  • To note the updates and progress of the action plan for auditor recommendations.

Members noted the report and the progress of recommended actions.

  • To review the Council’s governance structure in particular the Finance and Facilities Committee.

Members noted the officer report and the verbal input of the Chairman of the committee and it was RESOLVED that two separate committees be formed with terms of reference and membership to be decided at the next full Council meeting.

  • To review the use of personal emails for council business.

Members noted the report and the recommendation of both the Internal auditor and the Clerk. It was RESOLVED that Cllr emails be set up and used for all council business through the marketrasen.tc exchange and that IT support be available for set up.

17. Proposed by Cllr Stephen Bunney that Market Rasen Town Council resolves to support the local residents petition on flooding measures and Cllr Stephen Bunney’s suggestion for future flood alleviation methods. (The Clerk to write to West Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire County Council and the Environmental Agency to this effect.

The above proposal was seconded and RESOLVED unamended.

18. To NOTE a report on community gardens from Cllr Stephan Bunney.

Members noted the report.

19. Proposed Cllr Stephen Bunney that Market Rasen Town Council resolves to raise a request with the Highways Department regarding the installation of a pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of the new leisure centre on the A631.

20. The above proposal was seconded and RESOLVED unamended.

21. To consider the Council’s policy on charging PRS recharges where a licence is already held.

Members noted the officer report and it was RESOLVED that the council’s policy be altered and where an appropriate licence was already held by a hirer and a copy provided and checked by the council staff PPL and PRS charges would not be made on Festival Hall bookings.

22. Risk Management.


23. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification.


24. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was RESOLVED that the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business.

(Members of the Public & Press left the meeting, it was confirmed that all remaining participants were under conditions suitable for the transaction of confidential business.)

25. To RESOLVE to co-opt a councillor to the casual vacancy resulting from the resignation of A. Lakeman.

A count was taken and an absolute majority of those present and voting put forward Neil Taylor for co-option.

It was proposed, seconded, and RESOLVED that Neil Taylor be co-opted as a member of Market Rasen Town Council.

(Councillors Pilley, Matthews and Bunney abstained from the vote.)

(Neil Taylor was to sign his acceptance of office at a later date in the presence of the Proper Officer after which he would become a Member of the Council.)

26. Item 10 cont.: To RECEIVE the report of the District Councillors- A confidential environmental issue to be considered in closed session.

Members noted the confidential report and RESOLVED to support Cllr Bunney’s suggestions for the alleviation of the environmental issue highlighted.

27. Market Place.

Members noted the report regarding the marketplace and the upcoming ending of the current lease. Following extensive discussion of the options available in which the need for public consultation was highlighted members RESOLVED to begin discussions with the owners agent regarding the potential capital purchase of the land over a number of years subject to public consultation.

(Councillor Harrold briefly lost connection and left the meeting at 20:03 and re-joined at 20:05)

The meeting closed at 20:15.