November 2020 Minutes


MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7.00PM, in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 held virtually via Zoom.

Councillor J. Matthews (Chairman), Councillor S. Bunney (Vice-Chair), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor N. Brooksbank, Councillor J. Clark, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C. Turner.

In Attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

District Councillor - S. Bunney

Dianne Tuckett– Market Rasen Mail

The Meeting opened at 19.01

1. Opening remarks.

The Chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for attending. Councillor Taylor was welcomed to his first meeting as a Councillor

(19:02 Councillor Turner joined the meeting)

2. To resolve to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors Smith, Harrold, Sirett & Lakin-Whitworth; it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies.

Apologies were also noted from Councillor McNeill of West Lindsey District Council.

3. Public Participation (max 20 minutes)

Queries were raised regarding Remembrance Day activities and the Town Partnership School uniform bank.

4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Councillor Bunney declared a pecuniary interest in payment TP 34 and Councillor Brooksbank declared a pecuniary interest in payment TP 35.

5. To resolve to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 7th October 2020.

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on 7th October 2020 subject to the correction of a minor typographical error.

6. To note any update on Action Points.

Members noted the report.

7. To receive the Chairman’s report.

Members noted that due to restrictions in place no civic duties had taken place, but the Mayor continued to support the various support activities within the town. The procedures for the upcoming Remembrance Sunday activity supported by the Royal British Legion were explained, considering lockdown measures offers of support with social distance marshalling were received from members.

8. To receive the report of the District Councillors

Councillor Bunney highlighted the following to members:

• A new WLDC leader and deputy leader had been appointed.
• WLDC had supported the Keep Britain Tidy scheme.
• WLDC had resolved to write to the government to urge the permanent provision of free school meals in school holidays and that the Universal Credit uplift be maintained permanently.
• A request for car parking charges to be suspended during upcoming festive shopping activities and markets was to be considered in the following week.
• Community speed watch activities were suspended during lockdown.
• Tree planting in De Aston field was being processed and it was possible this could be in place by December.
• The Wolds Women project were looking at an extension of the heritage trail.

9. To note the Clerk’s report and the Community Manager’s report.

Members noted the reports and the additional verbal updates. It was requested that initial enquiries be made into rental of the strip of land in front of the Committee Room at the Festival Hall for council parking.

Action Point: officers to make initial enquiries.

10. To resolve to approve the accounts for payment.

The below accounts were RESOLVED for payment.



11. To resolve the dates of Full Council meetings for the remainder of the municipal year.

The below dates of Full Council were RESOLVED for the remainder of the municipal year 2020/21

December 2nd, 2020
January 13th *,2021
February 3rd ,2021
March 3rd, 2021
April 7th, 2021
Annual Council Meeting May 5th, 2021

Please note:

• Current legislation at the time of printing does not allow for the holding of an Annual Town Meeting.
• In accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 meetings can be cancelled or rescheduled.
• In accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 meetings are held virtually via Zoom until further notice.

12. To note the officer report regarding the new website and resolve any necessary action, any expenditure under Local Government Act 1972 s 142

Members noted the officer report it was RESOLVED to authorise expenditure of up to £400 for support to set up the new website and provide user guides. Officers were to seek additional quotes and proceed under delegated duties.

Action Point: officers to arrange

13. To note the officer report regarding printers and resolve any necessary action, any expenditure under Local Government Act 1972, s. 111

Members noted the officer report including 3 quotations and RESOLVED to enter a contract for 3-year printer rental contract with Konica Minolta at £143.63 per quarter and usage charges of £0.0023 per Mono print and £0.0231 per Colour print.

Action Point: officers to arrange

14. To note the officer report regarding trees at Bell Park and resolve any necessary action, any expenditure under PHA 1875, s164, PHAAA 1890, s44, OSA 1906, ss 9 and 10, LG (Misc. Prov.) Act 1976, s19

Members noted the officer report including 3 quotations and RESOLVED to engage Welton Tree Services to remove the trees at a cost of £760 (inc. VAT). It was highlighted that replacement trees could be planted in a more suitable location in the future. A decision regarding financing of this work would be delegated to the finance committee.

Action Point: officers to arrange

15. Committees

• To RESOLVE to adopt / amend as required the draft Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee.

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to adopt the Terms of reference as set out in Appendix A of these minutes.

• To RESOLVE to adopt / amend as required the draft Terms of Reference for the Properties Committee.

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to adopt the Terms of reference as set out in Appendix B of these minutes.

• To APPOINT Members to the Finance Committee.

It was RESOLVED that Councillors Matthews, Bunney, Harrold and Taylor be appointed to the Finance Committee

• To APPOINT members to the Properties Committee.

It was RESOLVED that Councillors Matthews, Turner, Pilley, Brooksbank, Smith, Lakin-Whitworth and Bunney be appointed to the Properties Committee

• To ELECT a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Bunney as Chairman of the Finance Committee.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Matthews as Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee.

• To ELECT a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Properties Committee.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Pilley as Chairman of the Properties Committee.

It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Brooksbank as Vice Chairman of the Properties Committee.

16. Risk Management

Issues regarding security of Zoom meetings and associated risks were raised. The risk of exclusion of Councillors due to technological requirements of accessing virtual meetings was raised.

17. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification.


18. To resolve that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was RESOLVED that the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business.

(Members of the Public & Press left the meeting, it was confirmed that all remaining participants were under conditions suitable for the transaction of confidential business.)

19. Item 8 cont.: To RECEIVE the report of the District Councillors- 3 Year Strategy

Councillor Bunney updated members regarding the 3-year strategy.

20. Market Place update.

Members noted a verbal update regarding the Market Place.

The meeting closed at 20:30


Appendix A

Terms of Reference Finance Committee


The Finance Committee is a standing committee of Market Rasen Town Council.


Four ordinary meetings of this committee will be scheduled annually at the Annual Council Meeting to follow the close of each financial quarter. (July, Nov (adjusted to meet precept requirements) Jan, April. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Committee in consultation with the RFO as and when deemed necessary, subject to 5 working days’ notice.


4 Councillors will be appointed annually at the Annual Council Meeting as voting members including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council. If a councillor resigns from the Committee/Council during the year a new councillor will be appointed at the next appropriate Full Council meeting. The quorum of the Committee shall be three Members

Chairman / Vice Chair:

The Chairman of the Committee and Vice Chair will be elected annually by the Full Council at the Annual Council Meeting.

Terms of Reference:

Full Council will review these Terms of Reference each year at the Annual Council Meeting and when necessary make any changes


Only appointed committee members may vote and participate at a meeting. In the case of an equal vote the Chairman of that meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

Appointment of Working groups

The Committee may as it feels fit appoint working parties made up of no less than 2 members of the committee ,to undertake work relating to any of its duties or responsibilities and report back to the Committee, the Committee will determine the terms of reference for the working group.

Admission of the Public, Press and Non-Member Councillors:

The Public and Press will be admitted to all meetings of the Committee in line with the Council’s Standing Orders. However, there will be no public participation session and Non-member councillors/ members of the public/press may not speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman of the committee.

If required, the Committee will have the right to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 where the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of these items due to the confidential nature of this item. Where the press and public are likely to be excluded from the meeting this will be advertised on the Committee’s agenda.

Minutes of Meetings

The minutes of the meetings will be approved at the next meeting of the Committee, if the committee does not meet before the next Full Council meeting the draft minutes will be presented at the Full Council meeting to note and to resolve approval or otherwise of any recommendations of the committee.


Administration of the committee rests with the Clerk & RFO (or a duly appointed person in their absence).


The Committee will make recommendations to full Council regarding the management of the Council’s financial affairs in accordance with legislative requirements, regulations, and guidelines.

It will Review the below and make recommendations to Council based on those reviews:

• Council’s banking arrangements,
• Council’s accounting practices and systems.
• Charges made by the Council including those for the Festival Hall, Market and Old Police Station.
• Council’s Budget (Recommendation to Council in January of budget and precept request to allow council to determine Precept levels)
• Forward planning and the provision of earmarked reserves for the replacement of equipment and property.
• Council insurance, to ensure Council is adequately insured (reviewed annually)
• Financial Regulations, to be reviewed annually ensuring they are observed and make appropriate recommendations on updates to Full Council.
• Internal and External Audit Reports (although in accordance with s11 of the Audit Commission Act 1198 Auditor reports will be issued in full to Full Council for consideration prior to receiving any recommendations from the committee).
• All legal matters pertaining to, insurance claims, loans, insurance cover and debt recovery.

Delegated Powers:

The committee has full delegated powers for the below matters:

• To negotiate the rent or purchase of land or properties on behalf of the Council when instructed to do so by resolution of the Council and to make recommendations to Full Council regarding the terms of the negotiation.
• To receive quarterly the financial reports from the RFO as set out in the Financial Regulations and standing orders on behalf of the Council and to make any recommendations to council based on those reports.
• To submit the Precept estimate to West Lindsey district Council in November based on the committee’s projected budget requirement at that time.
• To receive budget recommendations / requests from other Council committees which will be used to inform budget recommendations made to Full Council.
• To appoint a member each quarter to undertake the Councils internal financial Control check list.

Note: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (s101) any arrangements made by Full Council for the discharge of functions does not prevent Full Council from exercising those functions when required.


Appendix B

Terms of Reference Properties Committee


The Properties Committee is a Standing committee of Market Rasen Town Council.


One ordinary meeting of this committee will be scheduled annually at the Annual Council Meeting to fall in October in order to make budgetary recommendations to the Nov Finance Committee. Additional meetings will be called by the Chairman of the Committee in consultation with the Town Clerk as and when deemed necessary, subject to 5 working days’ notice.


7 Councillors will be appointed annually at the Annual Council Meeting as voting members including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. If a councillor resigns from the Committee/Council during the year a new councillor will be appointed at the next appropriate Full Council meeting. The quorum of the Committee shall be three Members

Chairman / Vice Chair:

The Chairman of the Committee and Vice Chair will be elected annually by the Full Council at the Annual Council Meeting.

Terms of Reference:

Full Council will review these Terms of Reference each year at the Annual Council Meeting and when necessary make any changes


Only appointed committee members may vote and participate at a meeting. In the case of an equal vote the Chairman of that meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

Appointment of Working groups:

The Committee may as it feels fit appoint working parties made up of no less than 2 members of the committee ,to undertake work relating to any of its duties or responsibilities and report back to the Committee, the Committee will determine the terms of reference for the working group.

Admission of the Public, Press and Non-Member Councillors:

The Public and Press will be admitted to all meetings of the Committee in line with the Council’s Standing Orders. However, there will be no public participation session and Non-member councillors/ members of the public/press may not speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman of the committee.

If required, the Committee will have the right to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 where the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of these items due to the confidential nature of this item. Where the press and public are likely to be excluded from the meeting this will be advertised on the Committee’s agenda.

Minutes of Meetings

The minutes of the meetings will be approved at the next meeting of the Committee, if the committee does not meet before the next Full Council meeting the draft minutes will be presented at the Full Council meeting to note and to resolve approval or otherwise of any recommendations of the committee.


Administration of the committee rests with the Clerk (or a duly appointed person in their absence) the attendance of the Community Manager can be requested at meetings where the Chairman deems this necessary.


To manage aspects of the Council’s properties listed under delegated powers ensuring that properties are well maintained and compliant with all relevant standards and legislation.

To manage the early stages of Council contracts regarding property e.g. specifications and seeking of quotes, and to make a recommendation to Full Council regarding quotes received.

To make recommendations to Full Council regarding any legal issues in relation to Council owned property.

Delegated Powers

The committee has full delegated powers for the below matters provided that decisions do not exceed the set annual budget for that area: (Where funding is required outside of agreed budgets decision making must be referred to full council.)

• Maintenance and policy, regarding the Council’s market, the Festival Hall and Old Police Station
• Maintenance & policy setting regarding all the Council’s other properties including the Office building, recreation areas, green spaces, public seating, litter and dog waste bins and war memorials.
• Management of Christmas illuminations
• Submitting of budget recommendations to the Finance committee

Note: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (s101) any arrangements made by Full Council for the discharge of functions does not prevent Full Council from exercising those functions when required.