October 2021 Agenda





Dear Councillors,                                                                                                                            

You are hereby summoned to attend the next Meeting of Market Rasen Town Council, which will be held on Wednesday 13th October 2021 commencing at 7.00pm in the Main Hall of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.

Lucy Waller   

Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer                                     Date:  7th October 2021

Market Rasen Town Council

For further Information or to request copies of non-confidential reports contact the Clerk at townclerk@marketrasentc.co.uk or on 01673 842479. There will be a 20-minute public forum.

1. Agenda

2. Opening remarks.

3. To RESOLVE to approve and accept apologies for absence.

Public Participation (max 20 minutes) 

4. To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.   Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them again at any time during the course of the meeting.

5. To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held September 8th, 2021 (Copies circulated)

6. To NOTE any update on Action Points. (Report circulated)

7. To RECEIVE the report of the District & County Councillor.

8. To NOTE the Clerk’s report including the finance report (Copies circulated).  No Community Manager’s report this month

9. Accounts for payment: 

  • To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment. (To follow electronically on the day of the meeting) 

10. To RESOLVE to approve the payment by direct debit for Telephony / Broadband / Mobile phones to BT & EE as appropriate for the municipal year 2021/2022. 

11. To retrospectively RESOLVE (as of 21st September 2021) the temporary employment of Yvonne Clark as Temporary Assistant Clerk to cover current staff absence at SCP 7 for 13 hours per week. (Any expense under LGA 1972 s.112) (Initial expense incurred under Fin Reg 4.4 Clerk’s delegated powers to prevent extreme risk to the delivery of the council’s services, following consultation with the Chairman of the Council and the Chairman of the H.R Committee.) 

12. To RESOLVE to authorise expenditure of up to £780.00 (Inc VAT) for the installation of a tow bar to the Maintenance Operative’s vehicle. (Any expense under LGA 1972s.111) (3 quotes sought £713 - £769 best value to be sought upon consideration of all information.)

13. To CONSIDER if the council should investigate community Wi-Fi in the town centre. 

14. To NOTE any update on the 1940’s event

15. To RESOLVE the terms of reference for an environment working group and appoint any council members. (Draft terms of reference circulated)

16. To NOTE vacancies on the H.R and Properties Committee following a recent resignation and to APPOINT new members if required. 

17. Proposed by Councillor J Pilley that the council CONSIDER what action it may take to address the many complaints currently being raised in connection with dog fouling in the town and to resolve that a further request be made to WLDC to obtain the necessary licence to enable Market Rasen TC to introduce the Green Dog Walkers Scheme within the town area. 

18. Proposed by Councillor J Pilley that the council CONSIDER requesting Inspector G. Brockie attend the next meeting of the Council to discuss the level and perceived effectiveness of policing in Market Rasen and what can be done to improve police resourcing levels. 

19. To NOTE the Lincolnshire County council proposed speed alterations outside De Aston School/ between the existing 40mph speed limits in Market Rasen and North Willingham/ between North Willingham and Ludford/ the approach to South Elkington from Ludford / South Elkington between the two built up areas/ the built-up southern section of South Elkington to the A16 roundabout. (Notices and plans circulated)

20. Any items for the next agenda. 

21. Risk Management. 

22. To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and  representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.