February 2023



 MINUTES of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th February 2023 commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.



Present: Councillor S. Bunney (Chairman/WLDC/LCC), Councillor M. Lakin - Whitworth (Vice-Chairman), Councillor K. Bridger, Councillor F. Easters, Councillor N. Taylor, Councillor C Turner, Councillor J. Pilley, Councillor A. Gray, Councillor J. Smith and Councillor A. Dale,


In attendance:

Lucy Waller – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

1 Member of the public. 


The Meeting opened at 19:00


1.   To NOTE apologies for absence and to RESOLVE to approve the reasons for absence. 

Apologies were noted from Councillor M Hassan. 

It was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.  Apologies were also noted from Councillor J. McNeill of West Lindsey District Council. 


2.   Public Participation

Following a request, a minute of silence and reflection was held in honour of the victims of the recent Kahramanmaras earthquake.


3.   To RECEIVE any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. 



4.   To RESOLVE to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on January the 11th, 2023.  

It was RESOLVED to approve the draft minutes of the last meeting, held on January the 11th, 2023 as a correct record.


5.   To NOTE any update on Action Points.

Members noted the report and the additional update that Councillor Bunney had now written the letter of thanks to the business owner. 


6.   Committees: 

  • To NOTE the draft minutes of the Finance Committee held on the 30th Jan 2022.

Members noted the draft minutes of the Finance Committee held on the 30th Jan 2022. 


7.   To RECEIVE the report of the District & County Councillor including an update on CCTV.


Members noted the verbal report from Councillor Bunney including: 

  • An update on pigeon issues in Queen Street and action being taken by West lindsey District council officers. 
  • Neighbourhood policing and potential cuts to resources.
  • Straw falling from commercial vehicles causing mess and blocking drains. 
  • A request from residents to investigate residents only parking and a report on the process and actions taken to date. 
  • Proposed increased CCTV coverage for Market Rasen 


Action Point - It was requested that Councillor Bunney lobby the relevant bodies to request that:

  • Lincolnshire Police receive additional funding in order to avoid cuts to neighbourhood policing.
  • That measures be put in place to ensure straw loads be covered during transport. 


8.   To NOTE the Officers' reports

Members noted the report, and it was highlighted that as the Council have previously agreed the line marking of the Market Place and budget was in place, the Clerk had delegated powers to chose the best value quote and proceed with work as soon as possible. Members also highlighted that the introduction of the Hirer D.I.Y key entry / exit system should take place with no loss of time.  


Action Point – Community Manager to progress DIY system and line marking.


9.   Accounts for payment: 

To RESOLVE to approve the accounts for payment.  

The below accounts were noted and authorised for payment as required:




10.  To RESOLVE any response to a public consultation request – Market Rasen Station Tactile Paving Upgrade Works.

It was RESOLVED to support the installation of tactile paving.  

Action Point- Clerk to submit response. 


11.  To NOTE the insurers response regarding operating the Church Mill Sluice and to RESOLVE any further action.

Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to produce a legal agreement with the owners of the sluice setting out the terms of the operation of the sluice and the responsibilities for maintenance and repairs. 

 Action point - Clerk to take legal advice and have an agreement drawn up.  



12.  To CONSIDER support for a request to Lincolnshire County Council to extend street lighting hours.

It was RESOLVED that a request be made to Lincolnshire County council to keep all streetlights lit during the hours of darkness, or if that were not possible one in every 3 streetlights.   

Action point – Clerk to make the request via the County Councillor. 


13.  To NOTE quotations for works to Trees at Bell Park and to appoint a contractor.  (Works approved properties committee Dec 2022, expenditure under Public Health Act 1875, s.164) (Confidential report circulated)

It was RESOLVED to instruct Welton Trees to undertake the works at a cost of £850.00 plus VAT. 


14.  To NOTE any updates on events for 2023 and a post event evaluation of Christmas 2022 events. 

There were no additional updates on events for 2023.

Members noted the post event evaluation of Christmas 2022 events.  And it was highlighted that when staffing costs were included the events had utilised nearly all of the available budget. Support was noted for the Christmas Market and Light switch on taking place on the same day in future. 


15.  To RESOLVE a date and format for the Annual Town Meeting. (1st March -1st June, it is advised to avoid 13th March – May 9th)

It was RESOLVED to hold the Annual Town Meeting on the 17th May prior to the Annual Council Meeting at a time to be confirmed.  


16.  Any items for the next agenda. 

Reports back on CCTV, streetlights, straw. 


17.  Risk Management.  

Members noted that all the regular scheduled health and safety checks had taken place since the last meeting. 


18.  To RESOLVE that under the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

The above RESOLUTION was passed.  


The public left the meeting at this stage and the recording was stopped.


19.  Old Police Station 

  • To NOTE a request from a resident regarding the Old Police Station. 

It was RESOLVED to refuse the resident’s request for unrestricted access over council land. 

Action point - Clerk to respond. 

  • Lease (Report circulated)

Members noted the reports and RESOLVED to enter into negotiations for an increased rental value.

Action Point – Community Manager to begin negotiations.


The meeting closed at 20:30.