Health and Safety Policy



1.1 The Council recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer for providing a safe and healthy workplace and working environment for all of its employees, and for protecting the safety of others who may be affected by its work.

1.2 The Council will, as far as is reasonably practicable, meet this responsibility, and will pay particular attention to the provision and maintenance of:

(i) Plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe.

(ii) Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

(iii) Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.

(iv) A safe place of work and safe access and egress.

(v) A healthy working environment.

(vi) Adequate welfare facilities.

1.3 The Council has placed the day to day administration of the safety function and the safety advisory function with the Clerk to the Council.



2.1 The council, being the corporate body, is responsible for the overall implementation of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

The organisation and responsibilities of Officers of the Council are as follows:

2.2 The Clerk to the Council

The Clerk will ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable the Council’s Safety Policy is implemented and:

(i) employees are properly instructed in the execution of their duties in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

(ii) facilities and finances to effectively achieve safe working practices and conditions are available.

(iii) When purchasing new equipment, substances, etc., will ensure that adequate information and instructions are available to enable them to be used safely.

2.3 Employees

(i) All employees must observe the statutory safety regulations, in particular Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and all arrangements made, in the interests of safety at the workplace.

(ii) The Council recognises the need for full co-operation and involvement of all staff to promote the high standards of health, safety and welfare necessary.



3.1 The Council

(i) The Council recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an Employer under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and will do all that is reasonably practicable to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees.

(ii) The Council is also responsible for making resources available (both manpower and financial) to fulfil the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

3.2 The Clerk to the Council

(i) To make suitable arrangements to ensure the implementation and administration of the policy

(ii) To assume overall responsibility for the Council’s health, safety and welfare.

(iii) To advise the Council of the need for the provision of adequate finances to ensure that staff and equipment are available to meet the health, safety and welfare requirements.

(iv) To provide the Council with information on likely hazards leading to accidents, health risks, and any loss or damage to the Council’s property or risks to the public.

(v) To monitor the annual performance of the Council in the field of health, safety and welfare.

(vi) To ensure that employees know their duties in respect of health and safety and follow approved procedures where laid down.

(vii) To make periodic checks to see that procedures are being properly carried out

(viii) To ensure that Safety policies are established, up to date, prominently displayed and understood by all staff.

(ix) To hold regular meetings to discuss and implement safety requirements.

3.3 All Employees

(i) To make themselves familiar with, and conform to the Council’s health and safety policies, and to observe all safety rules at all times.

(ii) To take reasonable care for their own health and safety and of other persons who might be affected by their acts or omissions at work, and to co-operate with Market Rasen Town Council in complying with any legal requirements.

(iii) To wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing supplied by the Council wherever it is deemed necessary.

(iv) To have regard to all instructions given by the Clerk and others and share the responsibilities for health and safety.

(v) To report all hazards and unsafe incidents to the Clerk.

(vi) To make suggestions to improve health and safety at their workplace to the Clerk.

(vii) No-one must intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.


i.e. Contractors, Sub-Contractors or Members of the Public

4.1 All other persons visiting or working on Council premises shall observe the Council’s statement of Safety Policy and any instructions given by the Clerk who is responsible for enforcing the Policy.

4.2 Contractors shall not commence work on Council premises, land or buildings until the Council’s Safety Policy ahs been read and understood.

4.3 Contractors undertaking work on Council premises, land or buildings must undertake all work in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all associated legislation. Where the Contractor employs 5 or more persons a copy of the Contractor’s own Safety Policy must be lodged with the Council.

4.4 Contractors shall not commence work on Council premises, land or buildings until covered by insurance against risk or until the Council is indemnified against it.



5.1 Contracts under the signature of the Council must include specific references to health and safety legislation, which must be observed during the course of the Contract.

5.2 Non-observance of health and safety legislation, as specified in the Contract, will constitute a breach of the Contract and could result in suspension of the work.



6.1 Council orders for minor works must include reference to specific health and safety legislation to be observed during the course of the works.

6.2 Non-observance of the health and safety requirements will constitute a breach of the conditions appertaining to the order.

6.3 The activities of the Contractor will be monitored by Council representatives to ensure that safe working practices are being observed.

6.4 Contractors have duties to notify other persons of any hazards likely to arise during the course of the work.


i.e. Fire, First Aid etc.

7.1 Procedure in case of fire

(i) Fire instructions are displayed throughout all Council establishments and must be read and understood by all employees.

(ii) Fire call points are located in strategic positions throughout establishments, and at the first sign of any fire the alarm must be raised immediately. Make your exit from the building by the most direct route and assemble at the appointed location.

(iii) Testing and maintenance of fire alarms, fire appliances and fire drills are carried out from time to time.

7.2 First Aid Arrangements

(i) First aid posts are located at all establishments. Employees are expected to familiarise themselves with the location of first aid posts.

(ii) In order to enable documentation required by statute to be completed, all accidents must be reported immediately to the Clerk who will ensure that accidents have been recorded.



In all aspects of its work the Council will attempt, wherever possible, to identify and remove or reduce hazards at work before they result in any injury or loss. When new hazards emerge then urgent action will be taken as and when they become apparent.


(i) On some jobs, inherent hazards are impossible to avoid, in these cases the Council will provide suitable personal protective equipment in an attempt to control the risks to individual employees.

(ii) All employees are reminded that this equipment is issued for their protection
and that they have a duty to wear it where the situation demands, in the interests of their personal health, safety and welfare.


(i) A safe and healthy working environment is best achieved by the full cooperation of all employees in the day to day work activities. Nevertheless detailed inspections or audits will be conducted at regular intervals on work activities and work establishments.


(i) Officers of the Council who are required to use their vehicles when engaged on Council business are deemed by virtue of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to be at work. As such, these private vehicles become places of work and should be treated in the same way as any other work place.

(ii) Drivers’ and passengers’ responsibilities will, therefore include additional duties to those imposed by the 1974 Act; these include all relevant regulations, codes of practice etc, emanating from the various motor vehicles Acts.



9.1 A copy of this statement will be issued to all employees

9.2 Additions to this Statement of General Safety Policy may be issued from time to time, dealing with specific safety, health and welfare matters. These additions will form part of the Council’s policy on safety, and will have effect as if they were part of this Statement.

This Safety Policy shall be effective from 11 January 2006, and shall remain in force until another policy or amendment supersedes it.

Reveiwed and readopted 11th May 2022 - Next Reveiw 10th May 2023