HR Committee Terms of Reference

Type of Committee: Standing Committee Level of Authority: Advisory

Purpose of the Committee:

The HR Committee will have delegated powers on management of Council employees in line with relevant legislation and the Council’s policies and Standing Orders.

Membership Terms:

  • Membership: Three Councillors
  • Quorum: Three Councillors
  • Qualities: Members of the Committee should have a good knowledge and understanding of employment and local council legislation, and effective employment practices.
  • Ex-officio: There are no ex-officio places
  • The Mayor is invited to stand aside from membership of the HR Committee
  • Chairman: To be elected at the first meeting
  • Vice-Chairman: To be elected at the first meeting, if required
  • Substitute Allowed: Yes, limited to one substitution per meeting. If a member of the committee isunable to attend a meeting, they may source and nominate the named

substitute. This is subject to written notification of the substitution having been received by the Town Clerk atleast two working days prior to the meeting. A duly nominated substitute will have full voting rights.

  • Training: is available to members and is encouraged to keep pace with best practice

Meeting Arrangements and Frequency:

One ordinary meeting of the HR committee must be scheduled in October to inform the budget

setting process. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Committee in consultation with the Clerk as and when deemed necessary, subject to 5 working days’ notice.

Terms of Reference:

Full Council will review these Terms of Reference each year at the Annual Council Meeting and when necessary, make any changes.


Only appointed Committee members may vote and participate at a meeting. In the case of an equal vote the Chairman of that meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

Admission of the Public, Press and Non-Member Councillors:


The Public and Press will be admitted to all meetings of the Committee in line with the Council’s Standing Orders.However, there will be no public participation session and non-member councillors/ members of the public/press may not speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman of the

committee. If required, the Committee will have the right to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public inaccordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 where the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of these items due to the confidential nature of this item. Where the press and public are likely to be excluded from the

meeting this will be advertised on the Committee’s agenda.

Minutes of Meetings:

The minutes of the meetings will be approved at the next meeting of the Committee, if the

Committee does not meet before the next Full Council meeting the draft minutes will be presented at the FullCouncil meeting to note and to resolve approval or otherwise of any recommendations of the Committee.

The Chairman will provide a verbal update to Full Council on any issues of relevance.


The Committee will:

1.  Review staff salaries and terms of conditions and make recommendations to Full Council

2.  Review staffing structures and levels, making recommendations to Full Council

3.  Take a lead in the recruitment and appointment of staff.

4.  To agree and review annually, contracts of employment, job descriptions and person specifications for staff

5.  Advise Full Council on new employment contracts and changes to contracts.

6.  Establish and review performance management – including annual pay reviews and staff development programs:

  • The Town Clerk to be reviewed by the HR Committee, who then report to Full Council
  • All staff except for the Cleaner to be reviewed by the Town Clerk who then reports to the HR Committee
  • The Cleaner's review will be conducted by the Community Manager in conjunction with the Town Clerk and will then be reported to the HR Committee

7.  Take a lead in any process leading to the dismissal of staff – including redundancy

8.  Keep under review staff working conditions and health and safety matters, bringing recommendations to Full Council

9.  Monitor and address regular or sustained staff absence

10. Where necessary, seek advice from external HR related professional bodies within the appropriate budget limit. The matter should be referred to Full Council if the budget limit will be exceeded.

11. Advise Full Council on staffing related expenditure

12. Consider and advise Full Council on any grievance or disciplinary matter and any appeal

13. Ensure health and safety regulations are adhered to

14. Address any other matters relating to HR issues

15. Recognise and record (on behalf of Full Council) outstanding contributions to the Council’s goals and the community

16. Appoint from the Full Council membership, three members to hear any formal grievance made by the TownClerk and any appeal by other staff against the outcome of a grievance investigation undertaken by the Town Clerk.

17. Review health and safety at work for all Council employees

18. Ensure the Council complies with all legislative requirements relating to the employment of staff

19. Review HR related policies and make recommendations to Full Council

Staffing Arrangements: The HR Committee will be predominantly supported by the Town Clerk

unless it is not appropriate or convenient to do so. If such an eventuality arises then external support may be sought.

Note: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (s101) any arrangements made by Full Council for thedischarge of functions does not prevent Full Council from exercising those functions when required.

Adopted by Full Council: 17 May 2023