Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Market Rasen Town Council Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

MRTC Lead Safeguarding Officer to whom all safeguarding concerns should be reported : 

Councillor C. Turner

Contact Details:  

Office Number – 01673 842479                                  Email:


If you cannot contact the Lead Safeguarding Officer consider contacting Lincolnshire Children Services Customer Service Centre direct on 01522 782111 office hours or 01522 782333 out of hours

Or the Town Clerk /Mayor

Office Number – 01673 842479                                  Email:

Market Rasen Town Council [MRTC] is committed to ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected and kept safe from harm whilst they are engaged in any activity associated with the Town Council. 

Policy Purpose/Objective:
•    The Policy applies to all staff, councillors, volunteers or anyone working for or on behalf of MRTC.
•    To ensure that all facilities and activities offered by MRTC are designed and maintained to limit risk to children and vulnerable adults.
•    To promote the general welfare, health and development of children by being aware of child protection issues and be able to respond where appropriate as an elected Town Council.
•    Provide guidance for those who may come across safeguarding concerns within the context of their work for MRTC.
•    To ensure that where necessary that MRTC effectively partakes in multi-agency work as outlined in the Children Act 2004 and other relevant safeguarding documents.
•    To develop procedures in recording and responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse and neglect.
•    To ensure that all children and vulnerable adults using its facilities do so with the consent and the necessary supervision of a parent, carer or other responsible adult.   

MRTC will appoint on an annual basis a lead safeguarding officer.  This can be a member of the council or a senior employee.  The appointment will be made at the annual meeting of the Council in May.

The name and contact details of the lead safeguarding officer will be on public display at all MRTC events, MRTC facilities, MRTC Web Site and MRTC documentation, involving children and vulnerable adults. .

The Lead Safeguarding Officer will promote good safeguarding practice within the Council which will include but is not limited to the following:
1.    Ensure that they attend appropriate training relevant to the role.
2.    Promote the provision of appropriate training for MRTC staff and Councillors.   Ensure that up to date training records are maintained.
3.    Ensure that all Council staff, Members, Volunteers and Contractors are aware of the safeguarding policy and procedures and that they are, as soon as is practical, kept up to date with any changes.
4.    Monitor and review the Council’s Policy and where necessary appropriate changes.
5.    Provide an annual safeguarding report to the annual meeting of the Council. 
6.    Ensure that before any MRTC organised event with children or vulnerable adults that all participants are appropriately briefed. 
7.    Ensure that Council staff and members are aware of the safeguarding risks that they may face whilst carrying out their duties, whether or not they involve direct working with children or vulnerable young adults.
8.    Act as a first point of contact within MRTC for staff, members and third parties to contact with any Child Welfare/Safeguarding concerns. *
9.    Liaise with other agencies, as required by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board, in connection with Child Welfare and safeguarding matters.  
10.    Ensure that appropriate records are kept of all issues on a safeguarding matter that may arise.
11.    To advise the Mayor, Town Council and Town Clerk on whether a paid employee or a volunteer require a Disclosure and Barring Service [DBS] check and at what level.
12.    Ensure that before any volunteers or paid members of staff are recruited to work with children and vulnerable persons that they are interviewed, that two references and appropriate DBS checks are made and include appropriate safeguarding questions.

* if the concern involves the Lead Safeguarding Officer the matter should be reported direct to The Town Clerk on 01673 842479 or Lincoln Children Services Customer Service Centre 01522 782111. – see above.
New Staff, Members, and volunteers
All new staff, members and volunteers [and contractors if undertaking work in the vicinity or Young People and or vulnerable adults] are to be provided with a copy of the Safeguarding Policy and are required to acknowledge [by signature] they have read it and will abide by it.  This acknowledgement will be kept in personnel files.
Individuals will adhere to the ‘List of Recommended Behaviour’
•    A minimum of two adults present when supervising children.
•    Not to play physical contact games.
•    Adults to wear appropriate clothing at all times.
•    Ensure that all accidents and near misses are recorded in the appropriate accident book.
•    Never do anything of a personal nature for a young person.
•    Not to share phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses and or social media addresses with young people.

Outside Organisations
Any organisation, group hiring council facilities with events that involve children or vulnerable adults must provide a written copy of their Safeguarding Policy and associated Risk Assessments before the event is allowed to take place.   This requirement will be administered by the Town Clerk’s office, if necessary they can seek advice from the Lead Safeguarding Officer.   The documents will be appended to the booking forms held in the Council’s files.

MRTC is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of children and vulnerable adults by protecting them from physical, sexual, emotional harm and neglect.

All staff, members and volunteers of MRTC must read [and sign] the Safeguarding Policy.  They will be proactive in providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable people who use Town Council Facilities and attend Town Council events.

This policy, and procedures, will be reviewed annually at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Reveiwed and readopted 11th May 2022 - Next Reveiw 10th May 2023

For more information on the types of abuse listed below then please contact the Town Clerk’s office on 01673 842479 or email 

1.    Child Abuse
2.    Physical Abuse
3.    Emotional Abuse
4.    Sexual Abuse 
5.    Neglect