Terms of Reference Properties Committee
Terms of Reference Properties Committee
The Properties Committee is a Standing committee of Market Rasen Town Council.
One ordinary meeting of this committee will be scheduled annually at the Annual Council Meeting to fall in October in order to make budgetary recommendations to the Nov Finance Committee. Additional meetings will be called by the Chairman of the Committee in consultation with the Town Clerk as and when deemed necessary, subject to 5 working days’ notice.
7 Councillors will be appointed annually at the Annual Council Meeting as voting members including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. If a councillor resigns from the Committee/Council during the year a new councillor will be appointed at the next appropriate Full Council meeting. The quorum of the Committee shall be three Members. In the event that a member of the committee is unable to attend a meeting, they may source and nominate a substitute attendee, for that meeting only, from the membership of the council. This is subject to written notification of the substitution having been received by the Town Clerk at least two working days prior to the meeting. A duly nominated substitute will have full voting rights
Chairman / Vice Chair:
The Chairman of the Committee will be elected annually by the Full Council at the Annual Council Meeting, the Committee may appoint a Vice-Chair.
Terms of Reference:
Full Council will review these Terms of Reference each year at the Annual Council Meeting and when necessary, make any changes.
Only appointed committee members may vote and participate at a meeting. In the case of an equal vote the Chairman of that meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
Appointment of Working groups:
The Committee may as it feels fit appoint working parties made up of no less than 2 members of the committee, to undertake work relating to any of its duties or responsibilities and report back to the Committee, the Committee will determine the terms of reference for the working group.
Admission of the Public, Press and Non-Member Councillors:
The Public and Press will be admitted to all meetings of the Committee in line with the Council’s Standing Orders. However, there will be no public participation session and Non-member councillors/ members of the public/press may not speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman of the committee.
If required, the Committee will have the right to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 where the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of these items due to the confidential nature of this item. Where the press and public are likely to be excluded from the meeting this will be advertised on the Committee’s agenda.
Minutes of Meetings
The minutes of the meetings will be approved at the next meeting of the Committee, if the committee does not meet before the next Full Council meeting the draft minutes will be presented at the Full Council meeting to note and to resolve approval or otherwise of any recommendations of the committee.
Administration of the committee rests with the Clerk (or a duly appointed person in their absence) the attendance of the Community Manager can be requested at meetings where the Chairman deems this necessary.
To manage aspects of the Council’s properties listed under delegated powers ensuring that properties are well maintained and compliant with all relevant standards and legislation.
To manage the early stages of Council contracts regarding property e.g., specifications and seeking of quotes, and to make a recommendation to Full Council regarding quotes received.
To make recommendations to Full Council regarding any legal issues in relation to Council owned property.
Delegated Powers
The committee has full delegated powers for the below matters provided that decisions do not exceed the set annual budget for that area: (Where funding is required outside of agreed budgets decision making must be referred to full council.)
- Maintenance and policy, regarding the Council’s market, the Festival Hall and Old Police Station
- Maintenance & policy setting regarding all the Council’s other properties including the Office building, recreation areas, green spaces, public seating, litter and dog waste bins and war memorials.
- Management of Christmas illuminations
- Submitting of budget recommendations to the Finance committee
Note: In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (s101) any arrangements made by Full Council for the discharge of functions does not prevent Full Council from exercising those functions when required.
Adopted May 11th 2022